• Cross Collecting Now !

    Exhibition : June 10 - June 16, 2024

    C/O Berney Fine Arts
    Andlauerhof, Muensterplatz 17
    4051 Basel
    Concurrent with Art Basel 2024, this joint exhibition CROSS Collecting NOW ! brings together early Master Works of Tribal Art from Oceania, the Arctic Circle and beyond with major works of art from the classical modern and contemporary art movements of the 19th, 20th & 21st centuries. Since the inception of the modern era in the early years of the 20th century, Western art has an aesthetic, historical and moral connection to the early arts of Oceania, Africa, the Americas and Asia and this today is nowhere more evident than in this exhibition. So many of the great artists of the 20th/21st centuries were, and are, interested in tribal art: Derain, Vlaminck, Picasso, Braque and Matisse all the way through to Kirchner, Nolde, Marden, Matta, Klee, Breton, Moore, Rivera, Brauner, Ernst, Pollock, Epstein, Brignoni, Giacometti, Gottlieb, O’Keefe, Segui, Warhol, Kelly, Tapies and onwards to Baselitz, Barceló, Koons, Creten, Attia, Wurm & Quinn to name but a few. Download Download Download

    Exhibition : April 04 - June 01, 2024

    Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Arctic Art
    17 rue des Beaux-Arts
    75006 Paris

    Exhibition : February 01 - March 31, 2024

    Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    ZOOMORPHES is an exhibition that is entirely curated and designed by our interns Vairea Anania and Ranihei Prokop whom are both studying at the IESA Arts and Culture School in Paris. They were given free reigns and have produced an exhibition dedicated to the representation and celebration of the animal form in Oceanic and Arctic art. Please join us for the opening on February 1st or come view the works of art throughout the next two months in the gallery. -/-/-/- ZOOMORPHES est une exposition entièrement conçue et organisée par nos stagiaires Vairea Anania et Ranihei Prokop, toutes deux étudiantes à l’IESA à Paris. Elles ont eu carte blanche et nous ont produit une exposition dédiée à la représentation et à la célébration de la forme animale dans l’art océanien et arctique. Joignez-vous à nous pour le vernissage le 1er février ou venez voir les œuvres d’art au cours des deux prochains mois dans la galerie. Download Download Download

    Exhibition : December 07 - January 13, 2024

    Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    Exposition de Noël : Une sélection d'objets d'art notables provenant des cultures anciennes et traditionelles du Pacifique et des régions de l'Arctique. ************** Christmas Exhibition: A selection of notable art objects from ancient and traditional cultures of the Pacific and Arctic regions. Download
  • Cross Collecting Now !

    Exhibition : June 12 - June 18, 2023

    Angela Berney Fine Arts
    Andlauerhof 17 Muensterplatz
    4051 Basel
    Galerie Meyer in Basel... I am pleased to announce that I will be exhibiting in Basel with my collegue Simon Studer of Geneva in the beautiful rooms of Angela Berney Fine Arts on the Muensterplatz from 12 through 18 June during the ARTBASEL week. We all look forward to welcoming you to our exhibition Cross Collecting...NOW ! Download Download Download Download
  • PSYCHOTROPES interférences rituelles et artistiques

    Exhibition : June 01 - July 15, 2023

    Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    L’exposition PSYCHOTROPES érige des liens entre la consommation de produits psychoactifs jusqu’à la dimension hallucinogène chez les populations ancestrales de Mélanésie, plus particulièrement néo-guinéenne, et l’évocation de ces effets. Elle tente de représenter une conceptualisation matérielle, et cognitive de l’interférence provoquée d’un état devenant alors paradoxal, où perception du réel et rêves s’entremêlent. L’espace d’exposition reçoit dans le début de son parcours, une vingtaine d’œuvres d’art premier anciennes du Pacifique, plus particulièrement mélanésiennes. Spatule à chaux, coupe à kava et effigie d’ancêtre, viennent alimenter sous le prisme ethnolo-gique, une exposition traitée sous un regard en grande partie botanique (Bétel, Kava, DMT, Salvia Divinorum). En résonnance à cela, 3 artistes émergent(e)s, Anaïs Penot, Antonin Renard et Kelit Raynaud évoquent cette interférence dans des œuvres de commande inédites, à l’aide de mediums différents........The exhibition PSYCHOTROPES, on view in June 2023 at Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Arctic Art, Paris 6e, establishes links between the consumption of psychoactive products, including hallucinogenic ones, by ancestral populations of Melanesia, particularly New Guinea, and the evocation of these effects. In the exhibition space, some twenty works of early Pacific art, particularly from Melanesia, are on display. Lime spatulas, kava bowls and cups and an ancestor effigy provide ethnological inspiration for a largely botanical exhibition (Betel, Kava, DMT, Salvia Divinorum). Resonating with this, 3 emerging artists, Anaïs Penot, Antonin Renard and Kelit Raynaud evoke this interference in new commissioned works, using different mediums. Download Download Download Download Download Download Download
  • Honneur au Bois - Sculpteur.Sculpture

    Exhibition : April 05 - April 05, 2023

    Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    La galerie Meyer vous invite à découvrir une sélection d’oeuvres en bois d’Océanie et de l’Arctique. Dans son espace d’exposition au sol en parquet ancien, vous y découvrez des sculptures en grand format originaires d’éléments architecturaux monumentaux ou rituels, ainsi que des outils de sculpteur comme de remarquables herminettes. De rares petites figures archaïques en bois du grand Nord viennent également donner vie à notre rendez-vous. Le 6 avril de 19h à 20h la soprano Béatrice de Larragoïti nous régalera avec un programme dédié à notre sujet du moment : le bois, les sculpteurs, les sculptures, la forêt, les îles et voyage. Madame de Larragoïti s’est produite sur nombreuses scènes, festivals et compagnies en Europe, en Amérique et au Royaume-Uni, parmi lesquels le Carnegie Hall, le Wigmore Hall, le Grimeborn Festival, le Festival Oxford Lieder, English Touring Opera, Saint-Martin-in-the-Fields, Opéra de Baugé et Lyrique-en-Mer. Le Programme de 19h à 20h : 1 - Henri Duparc, L'Invitation au voyage 2- Hervé, Vlan dans l'oeil: Menuiserie, charpenterie  3 - Rossini, Guillaume Tell: Sombre forêt 4 - Reynaldo Hahn, L'île du Rêve, Ô pays de Bora-Bora 5 - Jonathan Dove, The Adventures of Pinocchio, Blue Fairy Aria 6 - Kurt Weil, Youkali Download
  • Guy Ferrer : exposition MANA

    Exhibition : February 02 - April 01, 2023

    Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Arctic Art
    17 rue des Beaux-Arts
    75006 Paris
    The exhibition “MANA – in the Art work, the Power” is composed of a collection of tribal Oceanian and Arctic art objects and a selection of the work by the contemporary painter and sculptor Guy FERRER. The artist and traveller invokes mana as an expression of strength and meaning, offering imagery at the frontier of abstraction and figuration, Guy FERRER leads the quest for superior knowledge. FERRER’s works are the visible expression of this search for spirituality. They open windows, beyond their aesthetic strength, prompting the viewer to come out of his/hers envelope and dig deeper into his/hers sensations. At Galerie Meyer, Guy FERRER unveils confirmation of the mysterious link that artists of all times and places maintain with the intangible. This often diaphanous aura, which some call mana, could be the Source of Everything. - - - L’exposition « MANA – dans l’œuvre, la Puissance » est composée d’un ensemble d’objets d’art premier océaniens et arctiques, et d’une sélection du travail du peintre et sculpteur contemporain Guy FERRER. Artiste-voyageur qui invoque le mana comme une expression de force et de sens, offrant des formes à la frontière de l’abstraction et de la figuration, Guy FERRER mène la quête d’un savoir supérieur. Les œuvres de FERRER sont l’expression visible de cette recherche de spiritualité. Elles ouvrent des fenêtres au-delà de leur force esthétique, incitant l’amateur à sortir de son enveloppe et à creuser plus profondément ses sensations. À la Galerie Meyer, Guy FERRER dévoile la confirmation de ce lien mystérieux que les artistes de tous les temps et de tous les lieux entretiennent avec l’existence intangible de l’aura. Cette force souvent diaphane, que certains appellent mana, pourrait être à la Source de Tout. Download Download Download Download
  • Exhibition : ROUND

    Exhibition : December 01 - January 04, 2023

    Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    An exhibition of ROUND objects of all types from the Pacific Island cultures of Oceania and the cultures of the Arctic. Une exposition d'objets de forme ROND des cultures de l'Océanie et de l'Arctique. Download
  • Auction - Vente aux Encheres

    Exhibition : September 27 - October 22, 2022

    BIARRITZ Encheres
    6 allée de l'Aeropostale
    64200 Biarritz
    Vente aux enchères : Découverte d'un rare, ancien et beau reliquaire KOTA chez BIARRITZ-ENCHERES le 21 octobre 2022 avec les experts Laurent Dodier (SFEP) & Anthony JP Meyer (SFEP -CEEA). http://www.biarritzencheres.com/ Auction : Discovery of a rare, early and very fine KOTA reliquary figure to be offered by BIARRITZ-ENCHERES (France) on 21 octobre 2022 with the experts Laurent Dodier (SFEP) & Anthony JP Meyer (SFEP -CEEA). http://www.biarritzencheres.com/ Download
  • Small Pleasures - Petits Plaisirs

    Exhibition : June 02 - July 02, 2022

    Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    Venez compléter ou débuter vos collections à cette petite exposition remplie de petits plaisirs et de petits trésors à moins de cinq mille euros ! Nous vous attendons nombreux pour ce Jeudi des Beaux-Arts du mois de Juin qui est le Temps Fort de l'été 2022.  Vernissage le Jeudi 2 Juin : 15h - 21h Opening on Thursday June 2nd : 3 - 9 pm Come on over and complet or begin your collection with this small exhibition full of small pleasures and small treasures under five thousand euros ! We look forward to welcoming you on the first Thursday of une 2nd for the summer highlight of the Jeudi des Beaux-Arts. Download
  • Exhibition ROGER BOULAY & KANAK art

    Exhibition : April 07 - May 21, 2022

    Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    A major exhibition of the drawings and sketch books relating to the inventories undertaken by Roger Boulay of Kanak Art in French Private Collections. A curated selection of early Kanak Art will be exhibited as well. Une grande exposition des dessins et carnets de croquis relatifs aux inventaires entrepris par Roger Boulay de l'art Kanak dans les collections privées français. Une sélection d'œuvres d'art Kanak anciennes sera également exposée. Download
  • Fleurs de Peaux

    Exhibition : February 03 - March 12, 2022

    Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    En collaboration avec Mrs. & Mr. X la galerie Meyer est heureuse de proposer une exposition de leur collection de photographies et dessins érotiques contemporains en ces longs, froids et gris mois de février et mars. Venez donc vous réchauffer l'esprit et le regard ... L'exposition s'adresse a un public averti et n'est pas accessible aux mineurs. Download
  • Braderie de Livres - Book Sale

    Exhibition : December 04 - January 15, 2022

    Galerie Meyer
    17 Rue des Beaux-Arts
    75006 - Paris Paris
    Grande Braderie de Livres d'Art - A big Art Book Sale Download
  • Exposition Collective : Contemporain x Ancien : Coco de Fronsac, Jim Skull, Serge Dubuc, Lucile Soussan, George Nuku & Art Océanien et Eskimo

    Exhibition : December 02 - January 15, 2022

    Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    Une Exposition Collective avec les oeuvres de nos amis artistes contemporains Coco de Fronsac, Jim Skull, Serge Dubuc, Lucile Soussan, George Nuku en confrontation a l'art ancien d'Océanie et de l'Arctique et en plus une braderie de livres d'art ...
  • Modern & Tribal Masters

    Exhibition : September 20 - September 26, 2021

    C/O Angela Berney Fine Art
    Andlauerhof, 17 Muensterplatz
    4051 Basel
    Basel Pop - Up Exhibition in Basel I am so very pleased to be able to return to Basel and to invite you to visit the PoP-Up exhibition that is organized in conjunction with my estimed collegues Beck & Eggeling International Fine Art of Dusseldorf and Aurel Scheibler of Berlin during the ARTBasel week. I will be exhibiting a beautiful selection of archaic and important Oceanic and Eskimo Art along with the superb 20th and 21st century paintings and sculptures of my co-exhibitors. I look forward to the pleasure of your visit... You will find us located on the Muensterplatz in the heart of the old city of Basel high up on the hill just across the plaza from the cathedral and the Museum der Kulturen. Where : Angela Berney Fine Art, Andlauerhof, 17 Muensterplatz, Basel. When : Grand Opening : Monday 11 am - 7pm Tues-Sat : 9:30 am - 7 pm Sunday : 9:30 am - 5 pm and of course by appointment Download Download
  • ...LITHICS

    Exhibition : September 07 - October 02, 2021

    Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    The Corner Stone… Stone, the oldest material on earth and true matrix of the terrestrial globe is the material of predilection with which to cut, strike and build. It is the material of the first tools of the human era - or at least it is the one that has reached us as such. Rising from the bowels of the earth the first Hominian who picked up a stone to break a nut or a piece of wood or perhaps to throw it at an animal or a threat started an inexorable process which still today after nearly 7,000,000 years of continuous evolution still serves with relatively few modifications. In many places on earth the last stone tools have been replaced by metal ones only 200 years ago. In the Arctic, slate knife blades and harpoon points were still used in the late 19th century. In New Guinea stone blades are still used sometimes and pestles and mortars are very much present - even in our Western and Oriental kitchens. Download
  • Métagraphies - Serge Dubuc

    Exhibition : May 27 - June 26, 2021

    Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    Venez découvrir le monde étrange et singulier de Serge DUBUC...Une sélection d'oeuvres rares et belles d'Océanie et de l'Arctique sera exposée en complément de l'exposition. Come and discover the strange and singular world of Serge DUBUC...A selection of fine and rare art-works from the Pacific Islands and Arctic Circle will be on display in conjonction with the exhibition. Download
  • Signes, Volutes et Graphismes : Du texte à la parole le visuel se fait entendre

    Exhibition : May 27 - June 26, 2021

    Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    Signes, Volutes et Graphismes : Du texte à la parole le visuel se fait entendre : 27/04 au 26/05 De la spatule à chaux de la région Massim dont le personnage est orné de spirales et de zigzags au Churinga Aborigène recouverts de minuscules stries ou de ronds et spirales en passant par la pagaie dont la lame est ornée en haut relief d’un poison mythologique impressionnant cette exposition met en rapport et synergie les signes et lettres qui composent nos différents langages quotidiens, fonctionnels et rituels. Cette exposition se tient en même temps que l'exposition "Métagraphies" : les dessins étranges et singuliers de l'artiste Serge Dubuc : 27/04 au 26/05 Ces deux expositions concomitantes Signes, Volutes et Graphismes et Métagraphies, tentent de nous exposer et nous expliquer les différentes manières de l'enregistrement et de la transmission des mythes et histoire des cultures oraux océaniennes n'ayant pas développé l'écriture au regard des dessins de l'artiste Serge DUBUC qui justement utilise les signes et lettres de notre écriture pour nous raconter des histoires visuelles...... Glyphs, Arabesques and Graphics : From text to speech the visual is heard : 27/04 to 26/05 From the Massim lime spatula whose ancestral figure is adorned with spirals and zigzags to the Aborigine Churinga covered with minute incised lines or circles and spirals to the paddle whose blade is adorned with an impressive mythological fish, this exhibition connects and synergizes the signs and letters that make up our various daily functional and ritual languages. This exhibition is held at the same time as the exhibition "Metagraphics": the strange and singular drawings of the artist Serge Dubuc: 27/04 to 26/05 These two concurrent exhibitions Glyphs, Arabesques and Graphics and Metagraphics, try to expose and explain to us the different ways of recording and transmitting myths and history in the Oceanic oral cultures that have not developed writing in contrast to the drawings of the artist Serge DUBUC who uses the glyphs and letters of our writing to tell us visual stories... Download
  • Solomons, Santa Cruz and Bismarck Archipelagos

    Exhibition : February 17 - March 27, 2021

    Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    An exhibition of fine and early wood, stone, shell objects from the three regions of the Solomons, Santa Cruz and Bismarck Archipelagos in the Western Pacific. Download
  • NOW its On - the Special Xmas Exhibition !!

    Exhibition : December 03 - January 07, 2021

    Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    The Early Bird Gets the Worm...! Here is a Special Xmas Catalogue for 2020 with a twist.... The prices are published with a difference : YOU can CHOOSE to PAY what ever you feel is a valid amount within the lower and upper scales that are on each page. This is not an auction. The pieces are sold to the first buyer at your chosen price between the high and the low regardless of what someone else offers... Download
  • ARTCITY the On-Line Art-Fair

    Exhibition : October 23 - October 28, 2020

    Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    ArtCity is new way of collecting art on-line. ArtCity is a virtual Art-Fair offering for your perusal and acquisition the masterworks exhibited by a select group of renowned dealers. Each gallery is housed in its own digital building in a virtual, bespoke Art City which you can visit by clicking on the different buildings. You can tour each gallery display through the high resolution 360° photographs. By clicking your cursor on the artworks, you can select the ones that are of interest and the pertinent information will pop-up in separate windows. There is even a window where in you can actually call the exhibitors cell phone directly and speak to the dealer in real-time about the work and acquire it. ArtCity  offers  Ancient Art, Tribal Art, Modern Art, Furniture, Old Masters, Contemporary Art, Jewellery... ArtCity is open to the public from 23-28 October on a 24 hour basis. Download Download
  • Le Rendez-Vous

    Exhibition : October 08 - October 08, 2020

    Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux-Arts
    75006 Paris
    More than 65 galleries in the Saint Germain-des-Près area of Paris await your visit on Thursday evening the 8th of October from 5 pm to 8:30 pm. I will be offering a special selection of choice and smaller art-works from the South Pacific and Arctic regions... Bien plus de 65 galeries attendent le plaisir de votre visite le soir du Jeudi 8 Octobre de 17h à 20h30. Je vous propose un choix d'œuvres de petites dimensions provenant des régions du Pacifique Sud et de l'Arctique... Download
  • The Auction : Biennale - Christie's

    Exhibition : September 24 - October 08, 2020

    Galerie Meyer
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art is pleased to be one of the 42 world-renowned galleries from 8 countries, presenting over 90 exceptional works of art across 4,000 years of art history – all in the major ground-breaking La Biennale - Christie's online auction/art fair. Bidding for the online edition of La Biennale Paris opens 24 September through 8 October. Join antique dealers and gallerists in their virtual booths, and discover the art and objects on offer this season. With just one click, you can take a closer look at each piece, get in touch with the gallery for more information, and bid on your favourite item on our digital platform. Organised in association with the Syndicat National des Antiquaires, this is an unmissable event in the 2020 cultural calendar. Download Download Download
  • Parcours des Mondes

    Exhibition : September 08 - September 12, 2020

    Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    Parcours des Mondes The Very Best Tribal Art Fair in the World / Parcours des Mondes la Meilleure Foire d'Art Tribal au Monde Download
  • We are Back in Business

    Exhibition : June 04 - June 04, 2020

    Anthony Meyer
    17 rue des Beaux Arts Paris 75006
    75006 Paris
    The Gallery is now open once again to the public and I look forward to your visit ....! La galerie est à nouveau ouverte au public et j'attends votre visite....! Download
  • Conférence : L’Art Eskimo de l’Âge de Glace a Hier…

    Exhibition : January 23 - January 23, 2020

    Galerie Meyer
    17 rue des Beaux Arts Paris 75006
    75006 Paris
    Il y a 40,000 ans, l’être humain, aux profondeurs de l’hiver perpétuel de l’Âge de Glace, a su créer une forme d’expression artistique remarquablement abouti. Seul nous reste des bribes - notamment ses sculptures en os, ivoire et pierre et bien sur les peintures et les outils de silex. Depuis, l’homme a rayonné sur la planète entière et même un peu au-delà vers la Lune. Partout il a poussé son expression plastique dans ses retranchements allant jusqu’à l’art conceptuel. De tous ces expressions plastiques seul ceux des peuplades de l’Arctique semblent avoir gardé un lien direct avec les premières réalisations artistiques de l’époque des glaciations. Les peuplades du Grand Nord, que ce soit de Sibérie, du Nord de l’Amérique ou du Groenland ont perpétuer à leur manière évolutive les représentations sculpturales animales et humaines y compris ceux de la métamorphose et le transformisme cher aux croyances animistes. Je vais vous emmener sur un long voyage visuel a la rencontre de ces magnifiques œuvres d’art universelle que nous ont légué les Eskimo depuis plusieurs milliers d’années et même jusqu’à hier… Download
  • Xmas Exhibition

    Exhibition : December 04 - December 18, 2019

    Galerie Meyer
    17 rue des Beaux Arts Paris 75006
    75006 Paris
    An exhibition of fine Oceanic & Eskimo Art-Works including a presentation of paintings and drawings by various modern artists that I enjoy. Download Download

    Exhibition : October 17 - October 31, 2019

    Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts Paris 75006
    75006 Paris
    An exhibition on the fine art of Tattoo in the Pacific Island & Eskimo Cultures with a selection of early Tribal Art and early images from the periods of discovery and exploration – in conjunction with a Pop-Up Tattoo studio showcasing the work of Dmitry Babakhin, a Russian tattoo artist and Po’oino Yrondi, a Polynesian tattoo artist both specializing in Polynesian tattoo. The Contemporary component will function as a temporary tattoo studio in the gallery offering on-site tattooing to a select number of collector-clients (see press release for studio information). Download Download
  • Beauté Dangereuse - Dangerous Beauty

    Exhibition : June 18 - July 13, 2019

    Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts Paris 75006
    75006 Paris
    A voyage through the beautiful forms of the weapons used to wage war and to hunt in the South Pacific island cultures. Un voyage a travers les belles formes des armes utilisées pour la chasse et la guerre en Océanie. Download Download Download
  • Basel Pop-Up Exhibition

    Exhibition : June 10 - June 16, 2019

    Berney Fine Arts
    17 Münsterplatz
    4401 Basel
    For the Fourth year, I have the pleasure of exhibiting in the beautiful gallery of Angela Berney, located on the Münsterplatz in the heart of the old town of Basel during ART Basel 2019. I will offer a group of beautiful & important works of art from the early cultures of the Pacific Islands along with a large group of rare archaic Eskimo sculptures and objects from the Arctic Circle. I take great pleasure in announcing that once again Galerie Beck & Eggeling from Düsseldorf will join us, show-casing their superb selection of 20 - 21st century Modern and Contemporary Masters in juxtaposition with Oceanic & Eskimo Art.  Berney Fine Arts Gallery is on the Münsterplatz diagonally across from the cathedral and just 50 meters from the Museum der Kulturen (ex Ethnography Museum), a 6 minute walk from the Basel Kunst Museum and 15 minutes by tram N° 1, 2, 8, 10, 11 from the main train station (due to construction work please get off at the Bankverein stop and walk towards the Cathedral)... from ART Basel take Tram 2, 6, 14 ! The Grand Opening is on Monday 10 June from 2 pm to 8 pm... During ART Basel we are open Tuesday through Sunday from 9:30 to 19:00 (and by appointment at other times) We look forward to the pleasure of your visit !! Download Download Download Download Download
  • Xmas Exhibition - Recent Acquisitions

    Exhibition : December 06 - December 21, 2018

    Galerie Meyer - Oceanic Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    Galerie Meyer presents a Christmas exhibition offering Recent Acquisitions and a selection of "Old Favorites". Anthony JP Meyer will present and discuss a rare Boiken female figure from New Guinea as of 7:30 pm in the gallery... La Galerie Meyer présente une exposition d'Acquisitions récentes et une sélection d'oeuvres qualifiées de "Old Favorites". Anthony JP Meyer présentera à partir de 19h30 une rare figure féminine de la région Boiken de la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée... Download
  • Exhibiting in Basel

    Exhibition : June 11 - June 17, 2018

    Berney Fine Arts
    Andlauer Hof, Münsterplatz 17
    4051 Basel
    Exhibiting in Basel
    11 - 17 June 2018

    Once again, I will be exhibiting during ART BASEL in the beautiful gallery of my friends Angela Berney Fine Arts and Jean-Francois Heim along with my Contemporary and Modern Art colleagues Beck & Eggling from Düsseldorf.

    My exhibition is composed of a number of select, important works of art from the Pacific Islands including a highly important work from New Ireland along with a large group of rare archaic Eskimo sculptures and objects from the Arctic Circle.

    The Düsseldorf gallery of Beck & Eggling. Ute Eggling and Michael Beck offer high quality works of Expressionism and 20 - 21st century masters, which has established them as a leading name in the international art market.

    Berney Fine Arts Gallery is just 50 meters from the famous Basel Ethnography Museum now known as the Museum der Kulturen, a 6-minute walk from the newly renovated Basel Kunst Museum and 15 minutes by tram N°1 from both ART BASEL and the main train station & we will be open during the ART BASEL Parcours...

    Exhibition : December 14 - January 28, 2017

    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    An exhibition of Arms & Armour from the South Pacific
    Shields - Spears - Clubs - Knives - Ornaments
    Come and have a look
    Tuesday through Friday 2:30 to 6 pm
    Saturday 11 am to 1 pm & 2:30 to 7 pm

    December 2016 - January 2017


    With my very best wishes to all for the Holiday Season and looking forward to a wonderful New Year !!
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  • Le Peintre Gauguin a la Pointe Venus 19 Juillet 1896

    Exhibition : November 19 - December 03, 2016

    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    For the first time ever, two photos of Paul Gauguin taken during a festive picnic at Point Venus in 1896 on the island of Tahiti are on show...

    Pour la premiere fois au monde deux vues de Paul Gauguin prises lors d'un picnic festif a la Pointe Venus a Tahiti sont dévoilées...
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    Exhibition : June 14 - July 02, 2016

    Angela Berney Fine Arts
    Andlauer Hof, Münsterplatz 17
    4051 Basel

    This summer in Basel, Angela Berney Fine Arts will unveil a unique collaboration between two completely different yet complementary points of view and periods in the art world.

    Angela Berney Fine Arts is delighted to welcome two preeminent art dealers - Karsten Greve and Anthony JP Meyer – for a month-long joint exhibition. This first event is the fruit of a prolonged reflection on collaborative exhibitions of contemporary and early non western art showing the determination of the artists to make a lasting impression on their environment and the continuity of their artistic expression throughout materials, time and space.

    The moment is opportune to jointly exhibit the organic works of artist Claire Morgan and those of the early artists of the Pacific Ocean, thus continuing the tradition and importance of high quality art in the centre of the old town Basel. Indeed, this year again the old town will become the focus of attention for art lovers and collectors during ART Basel with the new Kunstmuseum and of the ART Basel Parcours on the historic Münsterplatz.

    Karsten Greve and Anthony JP Meyer together with Angela Berney seize the opportunity to draw attention to the interrelations between the worlds of art, offering a new perspective. Both dealers in accord with their host, have long appreciated the juxtaposition or intertwining of their respective art worlds. Claire Morgan’s use of animal and plant materials to create her artistic and spiritual world relates directly to the early tribal belief systems which transcend available materials into the physical representations of their spiritual world.

    Angela Berney Fine Arts is located on the Münsterplatz just across from the great Münster Cathedral and next to the Museum der Kulturen.

    Exhibition : June 02 - June 25, 2016

    Galerie Meyer - Oceanic Art
    17 rue des Beaux Arts
    75006 Paris
    The white cloth backdrop in many of Martin Schreiber's self-portraits, staged in the luxurious fertile countryside of the Perche region of France, is of course reminiscent of Irving Penn's photographs from the 1970 expedition to Papua New Guinea - but more importantly to the very first photos of Papuans taken by German ethnologists and anthropologists at the beginning of the 20th century.

    There on the hot and humid banks of the Sepik River they set up their chemical vats, tripods and backdrops to photograph the indigenous people of New Guinea. Anthropomorphic photography was the craze in those heady days of colonial greed and the luminaries of European science were hell bent on trying to define the human being as racial types by photographing and measuring the native populations. Extensive use of anthropometry – the exacting measuring of the human body – was used at the time to correlate physical with racial and psychological traits thus attempting to identify the various origins or racial types of mankind. Today we know that this fallacy had no bearing.
    Schreiber, like so many of his generation of North American children, was an avid reader of National Geographic Magazine and other photographic publications that offered views of a world unknown to most - other then from the engraved plates of early travel and geography books. At the time most photographs were still published in B/W and the stark dark bodies of the "natives" against the pure white backdrop made for dramatic images capable of firing up the imagination of a youth dreaming of adventure.

    When I first saw Schreiber's self-portraits I too was taken back to my childhood dreams of wandering the world, encounters with wild animals and "strange" civilizations. I also felt immediately at ease with his images. They are a contemporary version of the 19th century ones and there is a definite sense of self derision which, in its self is comforting and yet compels you to wonder why Schreiber put himself into these images and strangely - why do they ring a bell deep in the subconscious…

    These self-portraits – never really intended for public viewing - are exhibited here for the first time. Along side the photographs I will offer a selection of fine and early Oceanic Art works - exhibited as a punctuation and reminder amongst Schreiber's self-portraits - showing the ancestral representations that the indigenous people of the Pacific Islands produced to bear witness to their belief in the powers of their forefathers.
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