
    CONNECTING LINES: Between Tradition and Contemporary Creation Galerie Meyer presents CONNECTING LINES, an exhibition highlighting the concept of the line through works from Oceanian and Arctic cultures in dialogue with the contemporary creations of the artists Dadi Wirz and Krassimira Drenska. - TRAITS D'UNION : Entre tradition et création contemporaine - La Galerie Meyer présente Traits d’union, une exposition qui met en lumière la notion de ligne à travers des œuvres issues des cultures océaniennes et arctiques, en dialogue avec des créations contemporaines des artistes Dadi Wirz et Krassimira Drenska.
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  • Arts de la Nouvelle-Guinée & le Surréel - Arts of New Guinea & the Surreal


    Nous mettrons en avant ici une confrontation, ou juxtaposition, voire un dialogue, entre des œuvres d’art figuratives et représentant le monde surréel des croyances Papoues avec un ensemble de dessins fait par des artistes du début du
    XXe siècle.

    We highlight here a confrontation, or should we say an exchange or better yet dialogue, between figurative works of art representing the surreal world of Papuan beliefs with drawings made by artists of the early twentieth century

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    For the first time in France, the art of the ancient cultures of the Arctic Circle will be exhibited along with the art of the ancient classical cultures of the Mediterranean Basin and Asia. The ground-breaking OPUS Art-Fair, dedicated to the arts of the ancient world, will open its doors on September 18 to welcome Galerie Meyer – Oceanic & Arctic Art, which specializes in the major arts of the ancient cultures of the Pacific Islands and the peoples of the Far North. Galerie Meyer will present a selection of rare works from the Ancient Cultures of the Arctic Circle, all chosen for their very high aesthetic qualities. The ancient cultures of the Far North originated in East Asia and their works of art are remarkably close in style to many of the archaic masterworks dating back to the Ice Age. This is a MUST SEE exhibition of early Eskimo Art...
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  • CROSS Collecting NOW !


    Concurrent with Art Basel 2024, this joint exhibition CROSS Collecting NOW ! brings together early Master Works of Tribal Art from Oceania, the Arctic Circle and beyond with major works of art from the classical modern and contemporary art movements of the 19th, 20th & 21st centuries. 

    Since the inception of the modern era in the early years of the 20th century, Western art has an aesthetic, historical and moral connection to the early arts of Oceania, Africa, the Americas and Asia and this today is nowhere more evident than in this exhibition. 

    So many of the great artists of the 20th/21st centuries were, and are, interested in tribal art: Derain, Vlaminck, Picasso, Braque and Matisse all the way through to Kirchner, Nolde, Marden, Matta, Klee, Breton, Moore, Rivera, Brauner, Ernst, Pollock, Epstein, Brignoni, Giacometti, Gottlieb, O’Keefe, Segui, Warhol, Kelly, Tapies and onwards to Baselitz, Barceló, Koons, Creten, Attia, Wurm & Quinn to name but a few.  CATALOGUE HERE

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  • BRONZE 99 - a collection of African Bronzes


    Taking a step to the side away from his normal areas of expertise which are the Oceanic and Arctic cultures, Anthony JP Meyer has decided to unveil his collection of 99 bronze miniatures from Africa. Produced by the lost-wax casting process, these ancient pieces take us on a journy into the multiple cultures and religious beliefs of Africa with statues representing anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figures, deities, musicians, couples, crocodiles, birds, as well as tools and jewelry. This exhibition offers a great opportunity to discover the art and spirituality of bronze work through these remarkable monumental miniatures. Each piece tells a story, evoking the customs, beliefs and traditions of the rich and fascinating cultures of Africa.
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  • BRONZE 99 : Collection de Bronzes Africains


    Comme un pas de côté, Anthony JP Meyer décide de dévoiler sa collection de 99 miniatures en bronze des peuples d’Afrique. Produites par un procédé de moulage à la cire perdue, ces anciennes pièces du XVIIe/XIXe siècle nous font plonger dans leurs multiples croyances culturelles avec des statuettes représentant des figures anthropomorphes et zoomorphes, telles que des divinités, des musiciens, des couples, des crocodiles, des oiseaux, ainsi que des outils et des bijoux. Cette exposition offre une belle occasion de découvrir l'art et la spiritualité du travail du bronze à travers ces remarquables miniatures. Chaque pièce raconte une histoire, évoquant les coutumes, les croyances et les traditions de ces cultures riches et fascinante.
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  • Richesse & Parures


    Bienvenue à l’exposition « Richesse & Parures », une exploration fascinante de la splendeur des instruments monétaires et des parures corporelles des peuples de l’Océanie et du Grand Nord. Dans ce catalogue, nous vous invitons à plonger dans un monde où la richesse est mesurée en bien plus que des pièces de monnaie, où la magnificence se révèle à travers les ornements qui ornent le corps.
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  • Wealth & Adornment


    Welcome to the exhibition «Wealth & Adornment», a fascinating exploration of the splendour of monetary instruments and body adornments of the peoples of Oceania and the Far North. In this catalogue, we invite you to dive into a world where wealth is measured in much more than coins or bank notes and where magnificence is revealed through the ornaments that adorn the body. 
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  • PSYCHOTROPES interférences rituelles et artistiques


    Catalogue de l'Exposition : PSYCHOTROPES érige des liens entre la consommation de produits psychoactifs jusqu’à la dimension hallucinogène chez les populations ancestrales de Mélanésie, plus particulièrement néo-guinéenne, et l’évocation de ces effets. Elle tente de représenter une conceptualisation matérielle, et cognitive de l’interférence provoquée d’un état devenant alors paradoxal, où perception du réel et rêves s’entremêlent. L’espace d’exposition reçoit dans le début de son parcours, une vingtaine d’œuvres d’art premier anciennes du Pacifique, plus particulièrement mélanésiennes. Spatule à chaux, coupe à kava et effigie d’ancêtre, viennent alimenter sous le prisme ethnolo-gique, une exposition traitée sous un regard en grande partie botanique (Bétel, Kava, DMT, Salvia Divinorum). En résonnance à cela, 3 artistes émergent(e)s, Anaïs Penot, Antonin Renard et Kelit Raynaud évoquent cette interférence dans des œuvres de commande inédites, à l’aide de mediums différents........The Catalogue of the Exhibition : PSYCHOTROPES, on view in June 2023 at Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Arctic Art, Paris 6e, establishes links between the consumption of psychoactive products, including hallucinogenic ones, by ancestral populations of Melanesia, particularly New Guinea, and the evocation of these effects. In the exhibition space, some twenty works of early Pacific art, particularly from Melanesia, are on display. Lime spatulas, kava bowls and cups and an ancestor effigy provide ethnological inspiration for a largely botanical exhibition (Betel, Kava, DMT, Salvia Divinorum). Resonating with this, 3 emerging artists, Anaïs Penot, Antonin Renard and Kelit Raynaud evoke this interference in new commissioned works, using different mediums.
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  • Honneur au Bois - Honor the Wood


    Galerie Meyer invites you to discover a selection of wood carvings from Oceania and the Arctic Circle. In our exhibition space with its antique parquet floor, you will find large-format sculptures - monumental & ritual architectural elements, as well as sculptor's tools such as a series of rare and remarkable adzes. Rare, small, archaic wooden figures from the Pacific Islands and the Arctic Circle will also be on display.

    La Galerie Meyer vous invite à découvrir une sélection d’oeuvres en bois d’Océanie et de l’Arctique. Dans son espace d’exposition au sol en parquet ancien, vous y apprécierez des sculptures en grand format originaires d’éléments architecturaux monumentaux ou rituels, ainsi que des outils de sculpteur comme de remarquables herminettes. De rares petites figures archaïques en bois du grand Nord viennent également donner vie à notre rendez-vous.

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    GALERIE MEYER & ARTGENEVE & The SYNDICAT NATIONAL des ANTIQUAIRES - France. For the first time a selection of Antiques will be exhibited at ARTGENEVE by members of the French SYNDICAT NATIONAL des ANTIQUAIRES. The galleries will offer works of art in a contemporary setting designed by Michele Merlo and Studio Gellner. Galerie Meyer-Oceanic Art, as a member of the SNA, will exhibit 12 major works of art representative of the ancient cultures of the Pacific Islands and North America.

    GALERIE MEYER & ARTGENEVE & Le SYNDICAT NATIONAL des ANTIQUAIRES - France Pour la première fois un rare ensemble d'Art Ancien sera exposé à ARTGENEVE sur le stand collectif du SYNDICAT NATIONAL des ANTIQUAIRES. Les membres proposerons leurs oeuvres d'art mise en scène par Michele Merlo et Studio Gellner. La Galerie Meyer proposera une sélection de 12 oeuvres majeurs représentatives du grand art des cultures anciennes des îles du Pacifique Sud et de l'Amérique du Nord.

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  • ROND - ROUND Exposition / Exhibition Oceanic & Eskimo Art


    La Galerie Meyer est ravie de présenter la nouvelle exposition «ROND/ROUND» qui aborde la forme esthétique du «rond» ancrée dans le contexte historique et culturel de l’Océanie et de la région arctique.

    Galerie Meyer is proud to present the new exhibition “ROND/ROUND” – the aesthetic form of the “round” embedded in the historical and cultural context of Oceania and the Arctic region.

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  • catalogue Fine Art Paris & La Biennale / Français - English


    Le catalogue de ma selection d'oeuvres d'Océanie et Eskimo exposées sur mon stand au nouveau salon Fine Art Paris & La Biennale du 8 au 13 Novembre 2022 au Carrousel du Louvre.

    The catalogue of my selection of art-works from Oceania and the Arctic exhibited on my stand at the new French art fair Fine Art Paris & La Biennale held in the Carrousel du Louvre from 8 through 13 November 2022. 

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  • CASSE-TÊTE II - Clubs & Weapons of Oceania

    6 sept 2022

    CASSE-TÊTE II - Clubs & Weapons of Oceania (ENGLISH VERSION)
    Published on Sep 5, 2022
    CASSE-TÊTE II is a milestone exhibition for me. Here, like certain artists that revisit their earlier works I revisit my exhibition CASSE-TÊTE of 1989, a moment in my career which helped to define me and put me more firmly on the map of Oceanic Art. I do not wish to repeat that show but to offer a new vision of it and to offer some of the insight developed over the past 33 years. English text by Anthony JP Meyer. 276 pages and numerous color illustrations of many of the various weapon types of the South Pacific Island cultures. 

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  • Contemporains X Anciens

    February 2022

    Dans ce catalogue nous présentons les oeuvres contemporaines de cinq artistes français fortement influencés par les arts anciens « du lointain », en dialogue avec des oeuvres anciennes de l’Océanie et de l’Arctique : Coco Fronsac - George Nuku - Lucile Soussan - Serge Dubuc - Jim Skull...

    In this catalog we present the contemporary works of five French artists strongly influenced by ancient arts "from far away", in dialogue with ancient works from Oceania and the Arctic : Coco Fronsac - George Nuku - Lucile Soussan - Serge Dubuc - Jim Skull...

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  • Special Christmas Catalogue - Oceania

    Not Available

    The Early Bird Gets the Worm...! Here is a Special Xmas Catalogue of Oceanic Art for 2020 with a twist.... The prices are published with a difference : YOU can CHOOSE to PAY what ever you feel is a valid amount within the lower and upper scales that are on each page. This is not an auction. The pieces are sold to the first buyer at your chosen price between the high and the low regardless of what someone else offers...
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  • TEFAF 2019 Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art

    9 March 2019

    Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art Catalogue of Asmat Art, Oceanic & Eskimo Art, and Paintings by Eugène Brands for sale at TEFAF 2019. 112 pages, map, 39 Oceanic works of art, 15 Eskimo and NWC art works, and 5 paintings by Eugène Brands. Academic texts by CASOAR, the Oceanic Art students of the Ecole du Louvre. Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art, Paris
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  • ...NUTS

    september 2018

    A selection of beautiful, traditional and early art works from the Island cultures of Oceania made with coconuts. This is the catalogue of the exhibition at Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art in Paris held in September 2018 during the Parcours des Mondes 2018. The catalogue has 90 pages packed with superb photographs by Michel Gurfinkel of the 59, coconut related art-objects and descriptive texts in English by Anthony JP Meyer.


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  • Basel Catalogue 2017

    June 9, 2017

    A short catalogue presenting highlights of my exhibition of Oceanic & Eskimo art at the gallery of Angela Berney Fine Arts in Basel during the ART BASEL week. English text by Anthony JP Meyer.

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  • Early Photography in the Solomon Islands

    November 2014

    EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY in the SOLOMON ISLANDS. 2014. Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art : EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY in the SOLOMON ISLANDS by Allison Huetz. November 2014 Early original photographs from the Solomon Islands by known & unknown photographers between 1870 & 1930, curated by Allison Huetz. A selection from the collection of Early Pacific Photographs of Cayetana & Anthony JP Meyer. Published for the exhibition of Early Art & Photography from the Solomon Islands held at Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art, Paris, November 2014.
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  • TEFAF 2014

    March 2014

    TEFAF 2014. English texts by Anthony JP Meyer, 48pp, Full color photos of 42 objects (36 Oceanic & 6 Eskimo), various b/w photos, format 21 x 29,7 cm.

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  • Frieze Masters 2013

    October 2013

    FRIEZE MASTERS 2013. English text by Anthony JP Meyer, 32pp. Full color photos of 16 pieces of Oceanic works of art & 8 early Eskimo Works of art. various b/w photos. Format 21 x 29,7 cm.

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  • TEFAF 2013

    March 2013

    FORMAL SCULPTURE & PERFECT FORMS - TEFAF 2013. English texts by Anthony JP Meyer, 38pp, map, 30 objects (17 Oceanic & 13 Eskimo), format 21 x 29,7 cm.

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  • Frieze Masters 2012

    October 2012

    FRIEZE MASTERS 2012. English text by Anthony JP Meyer, 18pp. Full color photos of 16 pieces of Oceanic works of art & 6 early Eskimo Works of art. 3 b/w photos. Format 21 x 29,7 cm.

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  • Walkabout - Lʼart ancien des Aborigènes dʼAustralie

    September 2012

    WALKABOUT - THE EARLY ART OF THE AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES/L'ART ANCIEN DES ABORIGÈNES D'AUSTRALIE – AND A SELECTION OF EARLY ESKIMO ART/ET UNE SÉLÉCTION D'ART ANCIEN ESKIMO. Parcours des Mondes 2012. French/English text by Anthony JP Meyer, 46pp. Full color photos of 58 pieces of Aboriginal Artifacts & 8 early Eskimo Works of art. Numerous b/w photos, 1 map, bibliography. Format 21 x 29,7 cm.

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  • TEFAF 2012

    March 2012

    ART OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS & ESKIMO ART - TEFAF 2012. English texts by Anthony JP Meyer, 41pp, map, 31 objects (26 Oceanic & 5 Eskimo), format 21 x 29,7 cm.

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  • Parcours des Mondes 2011

    September 2011

    PARCOURS des MONDES 2011 : 10 years/ans - 20 objects/objets. English/French text by Anthony JP Meyer, 20pp + cov., format 21 x 29,7 cm (20 works of art : New Guinea, Solomons, New Caledonia, Marquesas, Tahiti, New Zealand, Eskimo).

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  • TEFAF 2011

    March 2011

    THE ART OF THE SOLOMON ISLANDS & WORKS OF ART FROM THE PACIFIC ISLANDS – TEFAF 2011. English texts by Philippe Bourgoin & Anthony JP Meyer, 36pp, map, 69 photos : 54 color, 15 b/w, format 21 x 29,7 cm (36 works of art).

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  • Parcours des Mondes 2010

    September 2010

    PARCOURS des MONDES 2010. Oceanic and Eskimo art catalogue for PARCOURS des MONDES 2010 in Paris with a selection of early Oceanic Master Works. Tribal Art, Primitive Art, Oceanic Art, South Pacific Art, Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, Australia. 20pp, 25 photos : 21 color, 4 b/w, format 23 x 16,5 cm (20 works of art).

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  • TEFAF 2010 Korwar etc

    March 2010

    THE ART OF KORWAR & WORKS OF ART FROM THE PACIFIC ISLANDS– TEFAF 2010. 2010. English text by Anthony JP Meyer, 28pp, 45 photos : 41 color, 4 b/w, format 23 x 16,5 cm (32 works of art).

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    OCEANIC HEADRESTS / APPUIE-NUQUE OCEANIENS. 2004. French/English text by Anthony JP Meyer. This is a groundbreaking gallery catalogue and exhibition of my headrest collection. The catalogue offers 60 headrests with informative descriptions and general text.
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    SPATULES – MASSIM - SPATULAS. 20th Anniversary Exhibition. 2000. French/English text by Dr. Harry Beran and Anthony JP Meyer. This catalogue was the culmination of many years of interest that I had in, and the long term collecting of, lime spatula from the Massim region. Harry Beran was instrumental in helping with creating the collection and he is of course the main author of the informative text. The exhibition catalogue celebrates the galleries 20th birthday and offers 74 lime spatulas.
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  • TEFAF 2000


    Subtitled "20 Years in 2000" I produced this small catalogue filled with wonderful and rare works of art from Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia & Australia to celebrate my twenty years of business and my third TEFAF in Maastricht ...sorry for the low scan quality
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    TAPA - ETOFFE D'ECORCE D'OCEANIE/BARK CLOTH OF OCEANIA. 1998. French/English text by Pascal Cusenier. Exhibition catalogue offering 26 pieces of tapa, tapa masks and related items.
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  • ART du/of VANUATU


    ART du/of VANUATU. 1997. French/English text by Anthony JP Meyer. This exhibition coincided with the wonderful museum exhibition on Vanuatu held at the old Musée des Arts d’Afrique et d’Océanie at the Porte Dorée in eastern Paris. 37 objects including masks, sculpture, ethnography, weapons & jewelry.
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    OCEANIA N°12. "SEPIK". 1992. French/English text by Anthony JP Meyer. The exhibition catalogue for the Art of the Sepik show offering a selection from the exhibition of 24 masks, sculpture, ethnography, & weapons.
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    OCEANIA N°11. THE FUNERARY TAPA ­ CLOTHS OF THE NAKANAI FROM NEW BRITAIN. 1992. French/English text by Anthony JP Meyer. This is the exhibition catalogue for a discovery that I made in an Australian collection of a group of funerary tapa cloth that was completely lost. The Funeral procession had been photographed by Eddie Tull in the 1950’s. Tull bought up all the tapa shrouds and other processionary equipment and subdivided it all into several groups which were subsequently sold to museums in France and the USA. One section was somehow sold to Ian Still an Australian antique dealer who rolled them up in a cardboard drum and forgot about them in his garage where they remained hidden until I discovered them. The catalogue offers 14 of the TAPA masks, capes and shrouds as well as a detailed ethnographic analysis of the whole procedure.
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    OCEANIA N°10. THE OCEANIC OBJECT. 1991. French/English text by Anthony JP Meyer. Exhibition catalogue offering 26 objects including masks, sculpture, ethnography, weapons, & jewelry.
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    OCEANIA N°9. THE HUMAN ELEMENT IN THE ART OF NEW GUINEA. 1991. French/English text by Anthony JP Meyer. Exhibition catalogue offering 22 objects including masks, sculpture, ethnography, & weapons.
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    OCEANIA N°8. FACES OF CLAY ­ THE POTTERY OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 1991. French/English text by Anthony JP Meyer. The second of the material series was a resounding success with most of these 39 amazing pottery pieces decorated with faces being sold on the first day.
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    OCEANIA N°7. BARK AND BASKETRY. 1990. French/English text by Anthony JP Meyer. This is the first in an on-going series of exhibitions related to the material used to make the art rather than the representation. The medium of basketry has always been played down within the schools of appreciation and it is considered a form of craft rather than Art – Here I hope that I was able to prove the contrary offering 29 masks and objects from Papua New Guinea.
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  • 20 years in 2000 / 20 ans en 2000


    This is the catalogue of the gallery celebration of 20 years of Galerie Meyer - Oceanic Art in Paris. It contains a selection of important and unusual works of art from the Pacific Island cultures.
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    OCEANIC ART : ART D'OCEANIE. 1990. French/English text by Anthony JP Meyer. Exhibition catalogue offering 18 Oceanic Works of Art
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    MELANESIA : 20 WORKS OF MELANESIAN ART. 1989. French/English text by Anthony JP Meyer. 20 selected objects exclusively from the island cultures of Melanesia including masks, sculpture and ethnography.
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    CASSE-TETE : ARMES ET ARMEMENTS DE L'OCEANIE. 1989. French text by Anthony JP Meyer. This is the culmination of 9 years of collecting Oceanic war-clubs at a time when they were so un-loved that the flea-market dealers were still burning them in the braseros during the winter in Saint Ouen and Clignancourt. The exhibition offered almost 400 weapons of which, more than 300 were war-clubs. This catalogue illustrating 78 oceanic weapons shows only the tip of the iceberg.
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  • TAPA 1988


    TAPA. 1988. French text by Anthony JP Meyer. Here I tried to express the visual beauty and explain the technique of Tapa showing only 4 pieces of oceanic bark cloth and one mask in relation to the fifteen or more objects in the gallery exhibition.
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    OCEANIE : ART DE L'OCEANIE. 1988. French text by Anthony JP Meyer, offering 36 Oceanic works of art : sculpture, ethnography, weapons and tapa. This is the first of a series of 12 catalogues modeled on the early German and British ethnographic publications that I so admire and it my first attempt at trying to express my thoughts and theories on Oceanic Art. This is an exhibition catalogue from one of the very first shows exclusively offering Oceanic Art in the gallery on Rue des Beaux-Arts.
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    LE PAYS MASSIM. 1987. French text by Anthony JP Meyer, drawings by Sophie Chave, calligraphy by Rita Alix Meyer. This is my very first catalogue offering 35 artifacts from the Massim area of P.N.G., all collected on the first of the three field-collecting expeditions that I did with Harry Beran from 1987 through 1991.
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  • Les masques « perdus » d’Ingeborg de Beausacq - The "lost" Masks of Ingebord de Beausacq


    On August 21, 1959, an article by Marilyn Bender appeared in the New York Times entitled “Fashion Photographer Spurs Primitives’ Art”. The subject of the short article is Ingeborg de Beausacq and her travels in Papua New Guinea. A photograph accompanies the text showing a blonde, glamorous woman seated in a room near her bookshelves. To the left on the counter is a small standing figure from the Sepik river area of Papua New Guinea and behind her on the wall are two masks “from Keram.” It is those two masks that are the subject of this text...

    L'histoire de deux masques de la Rivière Keram en Nouvelle-Guinée collectés par Ingeborg de Beausacq en 1957 -  séparés puis "retrouvés" et enfin réunis...

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  • Métagraphies : Les étranges dessins de Serge DUBUC / The Strange Drawings of Serge DUBUC


    Au premier abord, figuratifs, les dessins de Serge Dubuc semblent légers, conceptuels et minimalistes. De petite taille, ils nous invitent à nous rapprocher et c’est alors que ce qui semblait uniquement pictural, se double et se métamorphose. « Méta », du grec : au-delà. En effet, le deuxième regard nous transporte vers un autre langage ; celui de la Métagraphie, où l’écriture se donne à voir par des mots calligraphiés en formes remplies d’intentions subjectives. L’humour, les passions et les curiosités se dévoilent grâce au contraste profond de l’encre noire sur le papier...

    At first glance Serge Dubuc's drawings seem figurative, light, conceptual, and minimalist. Small in size, they invite us to get closer and that's when what seemed only pictorial, doubles and metamorphoses. "Meta," from the Greek : beyond. Indeed, the second look transports us to another language; metagraphy, where writing is seen through calligraphic words in forms filled with subjective intentions. Humor, passion and curiosities are revealed thanks to the deep contrast of black ink on paper...

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  • The ‘Robien Club’ of the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes : a ‘Herculean’ Hypothesis by Anthony JP Meyer

    January 2021

    Check out my thoughts on the origine of the so-called "Oceanic" war-club in the Robien Curiosity Cabinet in the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes...Page 350

    This is the ENGLISH translation of Making Sense of the World - The Eighteenth-Century Cabinet of Curiosities of Christophe-Paul de Robien. Robien’s cabinet of curiosities, and the eight thousand or so objects that it contains, make the Musée des beaux-arts de Rennes a unique institution that has the immense advantage of now conserving as many art collections as ethnographic collections. Nostalgia for the passage of time, an understanding of the inexorable advance of history, a sense of the fleeting nature of time, an obsession with saving the illustrious vestiges of a bygone era from ruin… 

    My contribution to the catalogue : The ‘Robien Club’ of the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes : a ‘Herculean’ Hypothesis by Anthony Meyer starts on page 350...

    This publication and translation is due to the remarkable efforts of FRAM : https://framemuseums.org/history/

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    January 2021

    L’exposition Vert Désir (2020-2021) présente le Vert a travers les minéraux, lieux et méthodes d’extraction, application dans les arts, symbolique, et cela à travers les époques et les continents au TreM.a - Musée des Arts anciens de Namur en Belgique. Mon article concerne l'usage du Vert en Océanie.

    In this article I speak about the presence, usage, and function of the color Green in the arts of the Pacific Island cultures. The exhibition VERT DESIR is held throughout 2020-2021 at the TreM.a - Musée des Arts anciens in Namur, Belgium.

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  • Interview : Restitution - le point de vue d'Anthony JP Meyer

    21 January 2021

    À la demande de mon confrère Didier Largeault, expert à la Chambre Nationale des experts spécialisés en Objets d’Art et de Collection (CNES) je donne ici mon point de vue sur la Restitution des objets d’Art Africain acté sur la décision du Président Macron dans un interview publiée dans le bulletin de Liaison N° 4 de la Chambre.

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  • Conical stones of the Louisiade Archipelago of Papua New Guinea and of the New Georgia group of the Solomon Islands in Journal of Historical Archaeology & Anthropological Sciences.

    27 June 2018

    Conical stones of the Louisiade Archipelago of Papua New Guinea and of the New Georgia group of the Solomon Islands in Journal of Historical Archaeology & Anthropological Sciences. Harry Beran & Anthony JP Meyer, June 27, 2018. This article adresses a type of stone tool that the people of Sudest and Rossel islands in the Louisiade Archipelago of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, use to crack large nuts and pound their contents. These conical and obviously man-made stones are of special interest because the people of these islands report that they find them in the ground or in rivers and say they do not know who made them. Thus these tools must be of considerable age and pre-date the actual indigenous populations...
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  • Collections - Collectionneurs


    Collections - Collectionneurs
    by Emmanuel Pierrat (in French - the English version will be published in principal by the end of 2020)
    Historically and in all latitudes, human beings collect. Here are revealed collections that are generally not open to the public, or are discreet or simply unrecognized. They lead us to the heart of the world of contemporary art, skulls, opium pipes, masterpieces of tribal or "outsider" art, stuffed animals, 18th century statues, pop art, thirty glorious women or Christian reliquaries. If the collections are described here through the history of their constitution and embellished with often tasty anecdotes, the book also addresses some essential themes related to "collectionitis": the space necessary to collect, how to manage your married life invaded by the objects, the money spent or invested in the collection, the most secret motivations, with what purchase did it all start, etc. ...

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  • Galerie Meyer Archive of gallery Invitations and Flyers 1983-2019


    In this second archive catalogue you will discover the Invitations and Brochures issued as of 1983 - our very first exhibition - up to 2019 with many examples of very fine and early Oceanic and Eskimo art-works that were not otherwise published, as well as outside exhibitions of photography offered in my space by Galerie Daniel Blau, other outside curated exhibitions, gallery contemporary art shows as well as a fun series of Christmas cards from the gallery...
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  • Galerie Meyer Archives : Art Saint Germain des Prés

    2002 - 2017

    Here in this first archive catalogue you will discover the invitations issued for the various exhibitions of the gallery held during the gallery-walk known as ART SAINT GERMAN-des-PRES in Paris from 2002 through 2017. There are lots of wonderful examples of Early Oceanic and Eskimo art shown here that were not otherwise published as well as the works of the contemporary artists Camiel van Breedam, Joaquin Ferrer, Alberto Guzman, Jean-Michel Jaudel, Martin H.M. Schreiber, and Dadi Wirz...
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  • Galerie Meyer exhibiting at the Los Angeles Tribal & Folk Art Show 1991


    This is a brochure offering 5 superb pieces from the selection of around 60 pieces that I exhibited at the Los Angeles Tribal & Folk Art Show in 1991.
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  • VRAI - FAUX ? 1994


    This is the first article published in the series Real - Fake ? that began with issue N°1 of Tribal Magazine way back in 1994 ! The Real - Fake series was subsequently dropped from the magazine after four or five issues possibly due to the difficulty of finding authors willing to deal with the problem...It is a shame as there was a lot to say about the subject of Fakes and a lot to learn from the authors and the market place. I do not have access to my library at the moment as we are confined to quarters in Paris so I am only able to up-load the French version - the English one will be published post COVID-19 ...Hopefully !!
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  • Tribal Art Society Interview with Anthony JP Meyer


    Anthony JP Meyer responds and expands on his views and answers to a group of set questions about his personal history and the Tribal Art Market in general as posed by the editor of the Tribal Art Society in February 2019...

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  • Out Of Africa : Oceanic Art Fakes


    This is an article that I published in 2003 on the manufacturing of fakes in Africa as the workshops there produce Oceanic Art fakes for the world market. Fakes are an unfortunate by product of the art market and while they do cause lots of trouble most of them can be detected if one is careful enough and learns how to spot the differences between the authentique and the spurious...
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    The art of the three great cultural areas of Oceania: Melanesia, Polynesia and Micronesia. Many of the artefacts have never been on view and have been photographed for the first time for this book. This is the single volume version of the boxed, 2 volume, 1995 edition (both editions have identical content and pagination). Text by Anthony JP Meyer; Photographs by Olaf Wipperfürth. Published by Konemann, Köln. 640pp., 731 colour illustrations, texts in English, German, & French. This book is available from your favorite book seller...
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  • AUCTION Pour l'Amour de l'Art VENTE aux ENCHERES


    Les collections dispersées par Rois-Vauprés Enchères et les experts Laurent Dodier (SFEP) et Anthony JP Meyer (SFEP & CEEA) le Dimanche de la Saint Valentin proviennent de 3 collections privées d’Art Océanien. Seront mis aux enchères un ensemble de rares dessins de l’artiste SOMUK des Iles Salomon, quelques trésors de la Colombie-Britannique et un très bel ensemble d'art Kanak et Polynésien.

    French auctioneers Rois-Vauprés Enchères will hammer down on Valentine's Day along with the experts Laurent Dodier (SFEP) and Anthony JP Meyer (SFEP & CEEA) an auction comprising 3 private collections of early Oceanic Art including a set of rare drawings by the Solomon Islands artist SOMUK, several fine pieces from British Columbia and a remarkable collection of Kanak and Polynesian Art.

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  • Résultats de la vente Pour l'Amour de l'Art / Sales Results For the Love of Art


    We are very pleased with the results of our Valentine's Day sale and thank the entire Rois-Vauprès Enchères team as well as all those who tried with or without success to acquire the works offered in the auction.

    Our next sale is in preparation for the fall and we are at your disposal to appraise and sell your collections and individual objects as well as documentation, photographs, drawings, and paintings from Oceania, Africa, the Americans and Elsewhere...

    Nous sommes heureux des résultats de notre vente de la Saint Valentin et nos remercions ici toute l'équipe de Rois-Vauprès Enchères ainsi que tous ceux qui ont tenté avec ou sans succès d'acquérir les oeuvres présentes.

    Notre prochaine vente est en preparation pour l'automne et nous sommes a votre disposition pour expertiser et vendre vos collections et objets individuelles ainsi que documentation, photographies, dessins, et tableaux d'art Océanien, Africain, des Ameriques et d'Ailleurs...

    Expert : Laurent Dodier (SFEP), laurentdodier@wanadoo.fr, +33 6 08 22 68 15
    Expert : Anthony JP Meyer (SFEP & CEEA), ajpmeyer@gmail.com, +33 6 80 10 80 22
    Rois-Vauprès Enchères : contact@rois-encheres.com, + 33 2 33 50 03 91

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  • Vente aux Encheres - Auction - Rennes 7/06/2021


    Grande vente aux enchères d'Art Tribal et de livres : RENNES Enchères et les experts Laurent Dodier (SFEP) et Anthony JP Meyer (SFEP & CEEA) proposent une grande vente d'Art Premier le lundi 7 juin à partir de 11h Online et en salle (sur réservation) :

    1 grande quantité de massues et de casse-têtes de toutes les regions du Pacifique avec quelques rares modèles dont une exceptionnel massue à lancer de Fidji i ula tavatava incrusté d'ivoire marin, 1 collection d'objets précolombiens constituée dans les années 1960, 1 ancienne sculpture Dayak, 1 grande et ancienne sculpture de berceau Kanak, 1 sculpture Fang de la ancienne collection Durville, 1 bel ensemble de spatules a chaux Massim, 1 bel ensemble de spatules a chaux des iles de l'Amirauté (de l’expedition la Korrigane), 1 rare et ancien tiki-double en pierre des Iles Marquises, 1 belle cuillère Bidjogo, 1 ensemble d'anciennes lames d'herminettes et pilons des iles du Pacifique, 1 ensemble de dagues en os de la Nouvelle-Guinée, 1 bel ensemble de sculptures et masques Lobi, Baulé, Fang, Yoruba, Punu, Ibo, Dan, Mangbetu, Songye, Dogon, Ibibio ainsi que des armes Zulu et une sélection de pesons d’or en bronze…etc.

    Major Auction of Tribal Art and Books : RENNES Enchères and the experts Laurent Dodier (SFEP) and Anthony JP Meyer (SFEP - CEEA) are offering a major sale of Tribal Art on Monday, June 7 starting at 11am Online and in the room (seating by reservation only):

    A large quantity of clubs and weapons from all regions of the Pacific including rare examples such as an exceptional Fijian throwing club i ula tavatava encrusted with whale-ivory plugs, A 1960s collection of pre-Columbian objects, An ancient Dayak sculpture, A large and early Kanak sculpture of a female cradle-figure, A Fang sculpture from the Durville collection, A fine group of Massim lime spatulas, A fine group of lime spatulas from the Admiralty Islands (Ex coll. La Korrigane), A rare and early double tiki figure in stone from the Marquesas Islands, A beautifully carved Bidjogo spoon, A group of early stone adze-blades and pounders from the Pacific Islands, A group of bone daggers from New Guinea, A large selection of sculptures and masks from the Lobi, Baulé, Fang, Yoruba, Punu, Ibo, Dan, Mangbetu, Songye, Dogon, Ibibio peoples as well as Zulu weapons and a group of bronze gold-weights…etc.

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  • Aux Racines de l'Art - Rennes Encheres


    A fine Tribal Art auction in three parts plus books : RENNES Enchères and the experts Laurent Dodier (SFEP) and Anthony JP Meyer (SFEP & CEEA) are offering a fine auction of Primitive Art on Monday 22 November from 11 am Online and in the room.
    In the morning Selected Works, in the afternoon Documentation followed by art objects from Asia, Archeology, the Americas, South East Asia, Oceania and Africa. In the evening will be offered a private French collection of beaded Plains Indian material.

    Un belle vente aux enchères d'Art Tribal en trois parties plus des livres : RENNES Enchères et les experts Laurent Dodier (SFEP) et Anthony JP Meyer (SFEP & CEEA) proposent une belle vente d'Art Premier le lundi 22 Novembre à partir de 11h Online et en salle :
    Le matin Oeuvres Choisis, l'après-midi la Documentation suivie par l'Asie, l'Archéologie, les Amériques, l'Asie du Sud Est, l'Océanie et l'Afrique. Le soir a 18h nous vendons une collection d'objets perlés des Indiens des Plaines.

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  • Natures & Merveilles


    A major auction : Nature & Wonders II : Objects of Art & Curiosities  - Thursday 24 February 2022 at 3pm.
    The Experts Laurent Dodier & Anthony JP Meyer present :
    LOT 129 A Moai Tanga figure (53 cm)
    LOTS 130 & 131 A complet Greenland Kayak and full hunters costume

    Une Grande Vente : Nature & Merveilles II : Objets d’art et de curiosité  - Jeudi 24 février 2022 à 15h
    Les Experts Laurent Dodier & Anthony JP Meyer present : LOT 129 Une figure Moai Tanga (53 cm)
    LOTS 130 & 131 Un kayak complet du Groenland et un costume de chasseur complet 

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    March Auction in Rennes : 
    Tribal Art,  Objects of Art & Curiosities - Monday 28 March 2022 at 11am & 2pm 
    Experts : Laurent Dodier & Anthony JP Meyer

    Vente aux Enchères en Mars à Rennes :
    Arts Premiers, Objets d’art et de curiosité - Lundi 28 mars 2022 à 11h et 14h
    Experts Laurent Dodier & Anthony JP Meyer

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  • Aux Racines de l'Art Auction Rennes 27 July


    Vente aux enchères d'un rare, ancien et important masque Diula-Senufo en bronze chez RENNES-ENCHERES le 27 juin 2022 dans la vente "aux racines de l'art" avec les experts Laurent Dodier (SFEP) & Anthony JP Meyer (SFEP -CEEA). Un tres bel ensemble de 360 oeuvres des cultures et contrées lointaines sera proposé dans cette vente...

    Auction on 27 June of a rare, early and important bronze mask from the Diula-Senufo by RENNES-ENCHERES in the auction "aux racines de l'art" with the experts Laurent Dodier (SFEP) & Anthony JP Meyer (SFEP -CEEA). 360 lots of wonderful objects from various cultures are to be offered in this auction...

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  • KOTA reliquaire BIARRITZ ENCHERES - Auction in BIARRITZ 21/10/2022


    Vente aux enchères : Découverte d'un rare, ancien et beau reliquaire KOTA chez BIARRITZ-ENCHERES le 21 octobre 2022 avec les experts Laurent Dodier (SFEP) & Anthony JP Meyer (SFEP -CEEA). Auction : Discovery of a rare, early and very fine KOTA reliquary figure to be offered by BIARRITZ-ENCHERES (France) on 21 octobre 2022 with the experts Laurent Dodier (SFEP) & Anthony JP Meyer (SFEP -CEEA).
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  • BRISCADIEU BORDEAUX - Belle vente aux enchères - ART TRIBAL




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  • RENNES : Auction - Vente aux Encheres 12/12/2022


    Auction catalogue for 12 December in Rennes : Works of Art from Africa, Oceania, North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Antiquities, and Photography from various early collections including the Estates of General Maignan and Joseph Ambroise Soulingeas. Clic vers/to catalogue

    Catalogue de la vente du 12 décembre à Rennes : Œuvres d’art d’Afrique, d’Océanie, d’Amérique du Nord, d’Amérique du Sud, d’Asie, d’Europe, des Antiquités et des photographies de diverses collections anciennes dont les successions du général Maignan et de Joseph Ambroise Soulingeas. Clic vers/to catalogue

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  • Auction - Vente - Art Africain - Art Oceanien MORLAIX 6/03/2023


    A collection of African & Oceanic art (N° 256-300) is offered here in the PRESTIGE auction of DUPONT & Ass. in MORLAIX - France on 6 March 2023 - Une collection d'art d'Afrique et d'Océanie (N° 256-300) sera proposée dans la vente de PRESTIGE chez DUPONT & Ass. à MORLAIX - France le 6 Mars 2023 - Please contact the experts / Merci de prendre contact avec les experts : Laurent Dodier (laurentdodier@wanadoo.fr) & Anthony JP Meyer (ajpmeyer@gmail.com)
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  • Vente aux Encheres - Auction : Rennes Encheres - Rennes, France - 09 mai/09 may 2023 - 14h-2pm


    Vente aux Encheres - Auction : Rennes Encheres - Rennes, France - 09 mai/09 may 2023 - 14h-2pm (Central European Summer Time). Experts : Laurent Dodier & Anthony JP Meyer Belle vente composée de plusieurs collections privées dont de rares objets d'art d'Afrique et d'Océanie provenant d'anciennes collectes d'avant-guerre : les deux très rares Ba-Kota collectés avant 1929 par Paul & Angèle Lirand qui ici sont présentés sur le marché pour la première fois ainsi que de rares objets d'Océanie notamment un très beau crochet du Sepik collecté par l'expédition de la Korrigane entre 1934 et 1936. CATALOGUE

    A good auction composed of several private collections including rare objects from Africa and Oceania from old pre-war collections : the two very rare Ba-Kota collected before 1929 by Paul & Angèle Lirand which are brought here to the market for the first time as well as rare objects from Oceania including a very fine Sepik River hook figure collected by the Korrigane expedition between 1934 and 1936. CATALOGUE

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  • AUCH - Auction - Vente aux Encheres 24/05/2023


    Vente aux Encheres : AUCH, France le 24 mai à 14h.
    Experts :Laurent Dodier - Anthony JP Meyer - Antonia Eberwein
    Vente aux enchères dont une rare tête de dignitaire Égyptien du Nouvel Empire, XIX/XXe Dynastie, 1292-1069 avant J.-C. et d'autres objets Antique, d'art Précolombien et d'Amazonie, de l'époque colonial Sud Américaine, de l'Océanie, de l'Inde, du Népal; d'Indonésie, de l'Afrique Noire et du Nord ; et une grande collection de creches du monde chrétien. LIEN VERS LE CATALOGUE

    AUCTION : AUCH, France on 24 May 2023 at 2pm (Central European Summer Time).
    Experts : Laurent Dodier - Anthony JP Meyer - Antonia Eberwein
    Auction including the rare head of an Egyptian dignitary from the New Empire, XIX/XXth Dynasty, 1292-1069 BC other Antiquities, Pre-Columbian & Amazonian art ; South American colonial art; art from Oceania, India, Nepal & Indonesia, Africa & North Africa and a selection of Christian nativities. LINK TO THE CATALOGUE

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  • Vente - 3 COLLECTIONS FRANÇAISES - Auction - 17 oct 2023


    Vente aux enchères de trois collections françaises : «  Daniel Cordier - Dr Gabriel Sempé - Collection de Mr X  ». Afrique, Océanie, Précolombien, Amérique du Nord, Tibet, Népal, Inde, Chine, Japon, Europe, Asie du Sud Est, Birmanie, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonésie, Moyen Orient, Péninsule Arabique, Antique, Ottoman, Mezcala, Polynésie, Mélanésie, Micronésie, Australie, Mexique, Pérou, Colombie, époques néolithique, pierre, nacre, os, terre cuite, bronze, verre, laque, céramique, coquillage, plumes, bois et fer… Lien Vers La Vente

    Auction of three French collections : "Daniel Cordier - Dr Gabriel Sempé - Collection of Mr X". Africa, Oceania, Pre-Columbian, North America, Tibet, Nepal, India, China, Japan, Europe, Southeast Asia, Burma, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Antiquities, Ottoman, Mezcala, Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, Australia, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Neolithic eras, stone, mother-of-pearl, bone, terracotta, bronze, glass, lacquer, ceramics, shell, feathers, wood and iron... Link To The Auction

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  • Vente aux Encheres Rennes 13 NOV 2023 Auction


    Vente aux Encheres : Rennes Encheres - Rennes, France - 13 NOV 2023 - 10h30 - 18h (Heure de Paris). Experts : Laurent Dodier & Anthony JP Meyer. Grande vente composée de rares objets d'art provenants de collections privées : Afrique, Océanie, Asie de l'Est et du Sud Est, les Ameriques, Europe, le Bassin Méditerranéen, Inde et les régions de l'Himalaya et des curiosités... CATALOGUE ICI

    Auction : Rennes Encheres - in Rennes, France - 13 NOV 2023 - 10h30 am - 6 pm (Paris time). Experts: Laurent Dodier & Anthony JP Meyer. Big auction composed of rare art objects from private collections: Africa, Oceania, East and South East Asia, the Americas, Europe, the Mediterranean Basin, India and the Himalayan regions and curiosities...CATALOGUE HERE

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  • Auction - Vente aux Encheres Etude Giquello - Arts Premiers - Afrique - Océanie - Amériques - Tribal Art


    A very good auction on 4 December 2023 with an excellent selection of art works from the original cultures of Africa, Oceania, North and South America. Hotel Drouot Paris, Sale Room 4 starting at 3pm. Expert for the Oceanic and North West Coast Art : Anthony JP Meyer ; Experts for African Art : Cabinet Monbrison-Salmon; Expert for South West Art : Mr Julien Flak ; Expert for Precolumbian Art : Mr Jacques Blazy

    Une très belle vente aux enchères le 4 décembre 2023 avec une excellente sélection d’œuvres d’art des cultures originales d’Afrique, d’Océanie, d’Amérique du Nord et du Sud. Hôtel Drouot Paris, Salle 4 à partir de 15h. Expert pour l’art océanien et de la côte nord-ouest : Anthony JP Meyer ; Experts pour l’art africain : Cabinet Monbrison-Salmon ; Expert pour l’art du sud-ouest : M. Julien Flak ; Expert pour l’art précolombien : M. Jacques Blazy

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  • Auction/Vente - Rennes Encheres 11 Mar. 2024


    Vente aux Encheres - Auction : Rennes Encheres - Rennes, France - 11 Mars 2024 - 11h & 14h (Heure de Paris). Experts : Laurent Dodier & Anthony JP Meyer, Antoine Tarantino. Belle vente composée de rares objets d'art provenants des collections de Thierry Boutemy, Dr Gabriel Sempé, P. Moutiez, Mr & Mme Chauvin, et d'autres ! Afrique, Océanie, Asie de l'Est et du Sud Est, les Ameriques, Europe, le Bassin Méditerranéen, Inde et les régions de l'Himalaya et des curiosités.......Auction : Rennes Encheres - in Rennes, France - 11 Mar. 2024 - 11 am & 2 pm (Paris time). Experts: Laurent Dodier & Anthony JP Meyer, Antoine Tarantino. A very good auction composed of rare art objects from the private collections of Thierry Boutemy, Dr Gabriel Sempé, P. Moutiez, Mr & Mme Chauvin, and others ! Africa, Oceania, East and South East Asia, the Americas, Europe, the Mediterranean Basin, India and the Himalayan regions and curiosities...
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  • Art Premier - BORDEAUX - Auction - Vente aux Enchères - 30 mai 2024


    Une belle vente aux enchères d’objets inédits sur le marché depuis plusieurs décennies d’AFRIQUE, d’OCÉANIE & d’AILLEURS avec plusieurs ensembles issus de collections privées de la région Sud-Ouest de la France - notamment un ensemble d’œuvres acquises en 1944 auprès de Pierre et Susanne Vérité de la Galerie Carrefour, Bd Raspail à Paris...

    A good auction of art-works from AFRICA, OCEANIA & ELSEWHERE from private collections in the South-West region of France that have been off the market for many decades - in particular a selection acquired in 1944 from Pierre and Susanne Vérité of the Galerie Carrefour, located on Boulevard Raspail in Paris...

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  • Auction of 3 Marquesas Stilt Steps / 3 Étriers d'Échasse - Vente aux Enchères


    Appearing at auction in Normandy (France) on June 10th, these 3 early, stilt steps from the Marquesas Islands were collected in situ by Jean Joseph Alfred Cornu-Gentil, commander of the French naval schooner Orohena, stationed in Tahiti between 1878 and 1882. They have remained in the family since the end of the 19th century. A scan of the period photographs will be given with each lot including a copy of the portrait of Jean Joseph Alfred Cornu-Gentil, by and signed by, Nadar, and dated 1868.

    En vente aux encheres le 10 juin en Normandie pour la premiere fois depuis leur découverte, ces 3 anciens étriers d'échasse des Iles Marquise ont été collectés in situ par Jean Joseph Alfred Cornu-Gentille, commandant de la goélette Orohena, de la station navale de Tahiti entre 1878-1882. Ils sont restés dans la famille depuis la fin du XIXème siècle. Un scan des photographies d’époque sera donné avec chaque lot dont copie du portrait de Jean Joseph Alfred Cornu-Gentille par, et signé de, Nadar, et datée de 1868.

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  • Auction - Vente aux Encheres : Aux Racines de l'Art - AUCTION Rennes Encheres - 9/12/2024 France


    Belle vente composée de la bibliothèque d'Art Africain de Philippe Bourgoin et d'objets d'art provenant des collections de Stephane Martin, Dr Gabriel Sempé, Mr & Mme Chauvin, François Boulanger et Françoise Bouhière, Félix Favin Lévêque, Philippe Dodier, Olivier Le Corneur, le général de division Gustave Maignan, Pierre Marcabru et d'autres : Afrique, Océanie, Asie de l'Est et du Sud Est, les Ameriques, Europe, le Bassin Méditerranéen, Inde et les régions de l'Himalaya et des curiosités......

    A very good auction composed of the African Art library of Philippe Bourgoin and art objects from the private collections of Stephane Martin, Dr Gabriel Sempé, Mr & Mme Chauvin, François Boulanger et Françoise Bouhière, Félix Favin Lévêque, Philippe Dodier, Olivier Le Corneur, French army général de division Gustave Maignan, Pierre Marcabru, and others : Africa, Oceania, East and South East Asia, the Americas, Europe, the Mediterranean Basin, India and the Himalayan regions and curiosities...

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  • Auction Art Premier ULYSSE & VICTOR Paris Drouot 11/02/2025


    Vente aux Enchères - Mardi 11 Février 2025 - 14h (heure de Paris).

    Experts : Laurent Dodier & Anthony JP Meyer : Lots 127 - 169

    Nous sommes heureux d'avoir été sélectionné par l'Étude VICTOR & ULYSSE comme experts pour leur vente inaugural à l'Hotel Drouot à Paris. Cette vente est composée d'objets d'art de l'Afrique, de l'Océanie, d'Asie de l'Est et du Sud Est, des cultures Précolombiennes et de l'Arctique, ainsi que d'oeuvres anciennes et modernes, de design et d'arts anciens....provenant de collections privées.

    Auction - Tuesday February 11, 2025 - 2 pm (Paris time).

    Experts: Laurent Dodier & Anthony JP Meyer : Lots 127 - 169

    We are pleased to have been selected as experts by the auctioneers VICTOR & ULYSSE for their inaugural sale at the Hotel Drouot in paris. This auction is composed of art objects from Africa, Oceania, East and South-East Asia, Pre-Columbian cultures and the Arctic, as well as ancient and modern works, design and ancient arts.... from private collections.

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