Gallery Frontside

Member of Syndicat National des Antiquaires
Member of Chambre Européenne des Experts d’Art
Member of Syndicat Français des Experts Professionnels
en Œuvres d’Art et Objets de Collection
Member of the André Breton scientific committee

Anthony JP Meyer with Uno
Anthony JP Meyer with Uno
photo © Anne Deknock, 2009

Galerie Meyer - Oceanic Art celebrates over 40 years of fine antiques and Tribal Art in 2020. The original gallery was opened by my father, Oscar Meyer, on rue du Sabot just a few streets away, on the other side of Saint-Germain-des-Prés in 1946/1947. Later in the early 1950's he moved to the United States, met and married my mother, Rita Alix Meyer. They settled in Los Angeles and opened up a very large gallery at 847 North La Cienega Bd. They closed in 1971 and moved to Paris where they took an early retirement from the active world of dealing in art and devoted themselves to collecting.

After my father's death in 1979, Rita Alix Meyer opened a small shop in the “Louvre des Antiquaires”. I joined her there in late 1980 and became a dealer. Over the next five years while we developed the business I discovered that although I enjoyed all forms and periods of art, there was one area that I found to be most compelling and thus I became specialized in Tribal Art and more specifically Oceanic Art.

After two years on Rue de Lille partnered with John Barnett who dealt in Himalayan and Indian Art, my mother and I opened the present gallery in 1985/1986 at 17 Rue des Beaux Arts. The building, which has its main entrance around the corner at 13 Rue Bonaparte has a wonderful history. It was home to the artist André Derain from 1910 through 1927. He was one of the main "discoverers" of Tribal Art along with de Vlaminck, Picasso and Matisse. At the same time André Dunoyer de Segonzac lived and painted here as well, with his studio just opposite that of Derain. Picasso, Apollinaire, Marie Laurencin and many exalted others were regular visitors. The art dealer Pierre Loeb founded his first gallery in the same building at 13 rue Bonaparte in 1924 and hosted the first Surrealism exhibition there in 1925 before moving to Rue des Beaux-Arts where he hosted many Tribal Art exhibitions, mixing them with the Modern and Contemporary art of the early and mid 20th century.

In 1986 I finally decided to devote myself exclusively to Oceanic Art. Since then I have dealt in the fine and early art works of the Pacific Island cultures : Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia and Australia. Rita Alix Meyer retired in 1996, and I have run the business on my own since then. In 1995 my two volume book "Oceanic Art" was published by Ludwig Könemann and in the last 30 years I have written and published 30 thematic Oceanic Art catalogues.

In 2010 I added a new department to the gallery specializing in early Eskimo art, an area of collecting that I was privately involved in for already more than two decades. I am an internationally recognized expert and an exhibitor in many of the world's greatest art fairs notably TEFAF in Maastricht, Frieze Masters in London, and Parcours des Mondes and La Biennale in Paris and of course the wonderful Bourgogne Tribal Show in Besanceuil, France. I'm honored to count many of the world's museums, institutions and private collectors as my clients and I give thanks for their continuous patronage and custom.

Please enjoy the website and I appreceate your feedback and questions. Feel free to come by and meet me and browse through the stock next time you are in Paris...

Anthony JP Meyer


巴黎Meyer画廊,坐落于巴黎市中心,是最重要的大洋洲艺术画廊之一。其丰富精美的收藏吸引着全球藏家和博物馆的目光。 Meyer画廊连续多年参展世界顶级艺术盛会,包括伦敦弗里兹艺博会、巴黎双年展、马斯特里赫特欧洲艺术博览会等。2020年,Meyer画廊参加了佳士得拍卖行举办的巴黎双年展线上拍卖会。在美拉尼西亚、密克罗尼西亚、波利尼西亚和澳大利亚艺术品领域,以及爱斯基摩艺术领域(2010年后),巴黎Meyer画廊在全球艺术市场上有着相当的话语权。 20世纪40年代末,奥斯卡·梅耶先生于巴黎创立了最初的Meyer画廊。1955年,梅耶先生与其妻子丽塔·阿丽克斯女士在美国洛杉矶开办了另一家颇具规模的画廊。1971年,他们决定重返巴黎。自1985年开始,阿丽克斯女士与儿子安东尼·梅耶先生在巴黎Rue des Beaux-Arts创办了今天这家专注于大洋洲艺术的画廊。1996年阿丽克斯女士退休后,安东尼·梅耶先生一直是巴黎Meyer画廊的掌舵人。他为画廊带来了大量具有历史价值的早期艺术品,编订出版了一系列内容翔实、严谨的艺术品图鉴。 在大洋洲艺术领域,安东尼·梅耶先生是一位国际公认的专家,他的著作《大洋洲艺术》于1995年出版。他同时也是多个法国国家贸易组织和安德烈·布勒东科学委员会的成员。在过去三十年间,他编订出版了30本大洋洲艺术主题图鉴,并策展无数。他的顾客包括全球范围内的诸多博物馆、机构组织和私人藏家。 巴黎Meyer画廊目前位于巴黎的Rue des Beaux-Arts。20世纪早期,著名的法国画家安德烈·德朗和安德烈·都那叶·德·斯贡札克曾居住于此。前者是野兽派艺术的先驱人物,同时也是原始艺术的“发现者”之一。这个圈子里还有弗拉曼克、毕加索和马蒂斯。 巴黎Meyer画廊的众多展览和出版物旨在呈现一系列传统艺术形式和实践,例如2019年的展览——“纹身艺术与身份(2019年10月17-31日)” 。与此同时,画廊也致力于将部落艺术与当代艺术联系起来,参展艺术家包括:日本摄影师荒木经惟、比利时雕塑家Camiel Van Breedam、法国画家Jean Degottex、法籍古巴画家Joaquin Ferrer、法籍秘鲁雕塑家Alberto Guzman、法国画家Vincent Guzman、法国造型艺术家Jean Michel Jaudel、德国欧普艺术家Heinz Mack、新西兰毛利族艺术家George Nuku、捷克摄影师Martin H. M. Schreiber、美籍瑞士画家Dadi Wirz、美国摄影师Sophie Valient和法国雕塑家Patrick Varnier。