Parcours des Mondes
Exhibition : September 10 - September 15, 2024
Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
Exposition : Le SURRÉEL dans quelques dessins européens du XXe siècle et dans les arts premiers de la Nouvelle Guinée Sculptures et objets rituels, cultuels et fonctionnels de la Nouvelle Guinée : Provenant des régions : Sepik, Sentani, Korwar, Golfe Papoue, Hautes-Terres, Massim, Tami, Ramu, Abelam, Digul, Korewori, Bahenimo, Torres, etc en juxtaposition avec une collection privée de dessins des grands artistes européens du début du XXe siècle : Vieira Da Silva, Goetz, Carrington, Toyen, Klee, Lam, Dominguez, Picasso, Seligman, Degottex, Wols, Deux, Bellmer, etc Dates : 10 septembre / 12 octobre 2024 (Vernissage le 10 septembre pour le Parcours des Mondes 2024) Horaires : Mardi - Vendredi : 11h-13h / 14h30-18h & Samedi : jusqu’à 19h Lieu : Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art, 17 Rue des Beaux-Arts, Paris 75006, France Contact : Anthony JP Meyer : + 33 6 80 10 80 22 / ajpm@meyeroceanic.com Site internet : www.meyeroceanic.art Un catalogue est en préparation. Download Download
OPUS – Ancient Arts
Exhibition : September 18 - September 22, 2024
Espace Commines
17 rue Commines
75003 Paris
OPUS – Ancient Arts follows in the tradition of the great fairs dedicated to ancient arts, marking a new highlight in the cultural calendars of dealers, institutions and collectors alike. OPUS – Ancient Arts takes the form of an intimate art fair, featuring a carefully curated selection of galleries showcasing their diverse specialities: Greek and Roman, Egyptian, Near-Eastern, Islamic and Arctic antiquities. Download Download
FAB - Paris (Fine Art Paris & La Biennale)
Exhibition : November 21 - November 26, 2023
Grand Palais Éphémère
2 Place Joffre
75007 Paris
Tout l'Art du Monde sous un même Toit... FAB - Paris est le résultat de la fusion des salons Fine Arts Paris & la Biennale. Pour cette deuxième année notre nouveau salon déménage au Grand Palais Éphémère et accueille 110 exposants : Marchands, Bijoutiers, Libraires et Antiquaires présentant tous des oeuvres de qualité exceptionnelle. FAB est le plus bel évènement international à Paris pour les Arts de l’antiquité à nos jours. All the Art of the World under the same Roof... FAB - Paris is the result of the merger of Fine Arts Paris & the Biennale. For this second year our new fair moves to the Grand Palais Éphémère and welcomes 110 exhibitors : Gallerists, Jewelers, Booksellers and Antique dealers all presenting works of exceptional quality. FAB is the most beautiful international event in Paris for the Arts from antiquity to today. Download -
Parcours des Mondes 2023
Exhibition : September 05 - September 10, 2023
Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Arctic Art
17 rue des Beaux-Arts
75006 Paris
Parcours des mondes est le plus important salon international consacré aux arts d'Afrique, d'Océanie, des Amériques, d'Asie et à l'Archéologie tant par le nombre, la qualité ou la diversité de ses participants. Il rassemble chaque année au début du mois de septembre une cinquantaine de galeries spécialisées dans les arts d’Afrique, d’Asie, d’Océanie, des Amériques et en archéologie, à Saint-Germain-des-Prés, au cœur de Paris. Fort de plus de vingt ans d'expérience, le Parcours des mondes est une institution œuvrant pour la diffusion des connaissances et des œuvres issues des cultures d'Afrique, d'Océanie, des Amériques et d'Asie et nous espérons partager cette passion avec vous. Download -
Exhibition : April 06 - May 27, 2023
Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
Galerie Meyer invites you to discover a selection of wood carvings from Oceania and the Arctic. In our exhibition space with an antique parquet floor, you will discover large-format sculptures - monumental or ritual architectural elements, as well as sculptor's tools such as remarkable adzes. Rare small archaic wooden figures from the South Pacific and the great Arctic North also bring our rendezvous to life...............La Galerie Meyer vous invite à découvrir une sélection d’oeuvres en bois d’Océanie et de l’Arctique. Dans son espace d’exposition au sol en parquet ancien, vous y découvrirez des sculptures en grand format originaires d’éléments architecturaux monumentaux ou rituels, ainsi que des outils de sculpteur comme de remarquables herminettes. De rares petites figures archaïques en bois du Pacifique Sud et du Grand Nord Arctique viennent également donner vie à notre rendez-vous. Download Download Download Download -
Exhibition : January 25 - January 29, 2023
PALEXPO - Aeroport Route Francois Peyrot 30
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
ARTGENEVE & The SYNDICAT NATIONAL des ANTIQUAIRES - France. For the first time a selection of Antiques will be exhibited at ARTGENEVE by members of the French SYNDICAT NATIONAL des ANTIQUAIRES. The galleries will offer works of art in a contemporary setting designed by Michele Merlo and Studio Gellner. Galerie Meyer-Oceanic Art, as a member of the SNA, will exhibit 12 major works of art representative of the ancient cultures of the Pacific Islands and North America. ARTGENEVE & Le SYNDICAT NATIONAL des ANTIQUAIRES - France Pour la première fois un rare ensemble d'Art Ancien sera exposé à ARTGENEVE sur le stand collectif du SYNDICAT NATIONAL des ANTIQUAIRES. Les membres proposerons leurs oeuvres d'art mise en scène par Michele Merlo et Studio Gellner. La Galerie Meyer proposera une sélection de 12 oeuvres majeurs représentatives du grand art des cultures anciennes des îles du Pacifique Sud et de l'Amérique du Nord. Download -
Fine Art Paris - La Biennale
Exhibition : November 08 - November 13, 2022
Carrousel du Louvre
99 Rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris
Fine Arts Paris & La Biennale, le nouveau salon issu de l’alliance des deux entités, Fine Arts Paris, jeune salon prometteur né il y a cinq ans et La Biennale des Antiquaires, créée en 1956 sous la houlette d’André Malraux, devient le plus bel évènement international à Paris pour les arts de l’Antiquité à nos jours. La première édition réunira 86 exposants du 9 au 13 novembre au Carrousel du Louvre . C'est l’alliance de deux évènements majeurs du calendrier international des foires, mais aussi la rencontre et le dialogue souhaités par les organisateurs. Fine Arts Paris & La Biennale est l'unique salon généraliste consacré aux Beaux-Arts à Paris. Fine Arts Paris & La Biennale - Paris’s only fair dedicated to Fine Arts. The two leading French art fairs – the venerable Biennale, one of the world’s oldest art fairs (formerly known as La Biennale des Antiquaires) and the fast- growing Fine Arts Paris have merged to create a new annual flagship event in Paris celebrating art from the Antiquity to present day. The inaugural edition of Fine Arts Paris & La Biennale will take place at the prestigious Carrousel du Louvre, from 9 to 13 November. Download Download Download -
Exhibition : September 06 - September 11, 2022
Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
CASSE-TÊTE II : Pour ce Parcours des Mondes de 2022 je vais revisiter mon exposition CASSE-TÊTE de 1989 en vous présentant une sélection exceptionnelle d'armes et massues d'Océanie. CASSE-TÊTE II : For Parcours des Mondes 2022 I will revisit my groundbreaking exhibition CASSE-TÊTE of 1989 and offer a superb selection of clubs and weapons from the Pacific. Download -
Modern & Tribal Masters
Exhibition : June 13 - June 19, 2022
Angela Berney Fine Arts
17 Muensterplatz
4051 Basel
For its sixth iteration Modern & Tribal Masters – an ephemerous Pop-up exhibition, will be held in the magnificent rooms of Angele Berney Fine Art on the Muensterplatz of Basel. This yearly event, concurrent with ART BASEL, brings together major works of art from the classical modern and contemporary art scene of the West with Masterworks of Tribal Art from Oceania, Africa and the Arctic Circle. exhibitors : Angela Berney Fine Arts, Basel / Anthony JP Meyer – Oceanic & Eskimo Art, Paris / Simon Studer Arts, Geneva Download -
La Biennale
Exhibition : November 26 - December 05, 2021
Grand Palais Ephemere
Place Joffre
75007 Paris
An unmissable event, La Biennale is one of the most prestigious art fairs in the world. It brings together the world's leading art, antiques and design dealers, jewelers, watchmakers and their international clientel of collectors in the new Grand Palais Éphémère. Download Download -
Parcours des Mondes
Exhibition : September 07 - September 12, 2021
Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art
17 rue des Beaux-Arts
75006 Paris
Pour le Parcours des Mondes 2021 je vais présenter un ensemble d’objets en pierre issu de ma collection constituée depuis plus de 40 ans, qui n’en finit pas de se constituer encore. Il y aura plus de 200 pièces – et de toutes les tailles - triées sur le volet – sélectionnées pour leur beauté, leur état, leur rareté et bien sûr l’aspect exceptionnel soit de la couleur, de la forme, du matériau ou des dimensions de l’œuvre… La présentation couvre une bonne partie des origines culturelles, temporelles et géographiques de l’histoire de l’art. Au plus tôt de l’ère humain il y a quelques exemples du Paléolithique Africain et Européen suivie du Néolithique provenant de l’Afrique, de l’Océanie, des Amériques, de l’Arctique, d’Asie et d’Australie et remontant jusqu’à l’époque contemporain avec une œuvre de mon ami le sculpteur péruvien Alberto Guzman. For the Parcours des Mondes 2021, I will present a selection of stone objects from my 40 years of collecting, and which is still on-going. There will be more than 200 pieces - of all sizes and shapes - all handpicked and carefully selected for their beauty, their condition, and their rarity and of course the exceptional aspect of color, shape, material or dimensions of the piece… The presentation covers a good part of the cultural, temporal and geographical origins of the world’s art history. At the earliest of the human era there are some examples from the African and European Paleolithic period followed by the Neolithic era of Africa, Oceania, the Americas, the Arctic, Asia and Australia and all the way up to contemporary times with a work by my friend the Peruvian sculptor Alberto Guzman. Download -
Exhibition : June 17 - June 22, 2021
Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
Les marchands d’Arts Premiers de Saint-Germain-des-Prés se mobilisent et vous donnent rendez-vous pour un Paris Tribal a 100% à partir du 17 juin 2021 ! Découvrez une sélection riche et variée d’Arts d’Afrique, d’Amérique, de l’Himalaya, d’Indonésie et d’Océanie en déambulant dans les rues du quartier ! Durant six jours, nous vous invitons à vivre une expérience fort. Chaque exposant vous présentera son dernier coup de cœur au fil d’une surprenante ballade dans un Paris réouverte. Un catalogue sera publié à cette occasion. Continuons ensemble à faire du quartier une fête et de Paris la capitale de l’art tribal......The Tribal Art dealers of Saint-Germain-des-Prés are working together and giving you an appointment for a 100% Paris Tribal that will start on June 17, 2021 ! Discover the rich and varied selection of arts from Africa, America, the Himalayas, Indonesia and Oceania as you stroll through the streets of our neighbourhood where for six days, you can finally visit our galleries. Each exhibitor will present his/her latest acquisitions or old favorites in a newly reopened Paris. A catalogue will be published on this occasion. Let us together continue to make Saint-Germain-des-Prés and Paris the best place to enjoy the very best of Tribal Art. Download -
Exhibition : April 01 - April 20, 2021
Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
Les Parisiens sont en manque d’art… Après les musées, nos galeries sont désormais fermées et empêchées d’exercer notre activité normalement. Mais la capitale mondiale de l'art fourmille d’idées et d’initiatives. Notre quartier de Saint-Germain-des-Prés abrite historiquement une concentration inégalée d’enseignes culturelles. Contrairement à d’autres quartiers de la capitale, les galeries y fleurissent à visage découvert, permettant aux promeneurs de se délecter de chefs d’œuvres visibles dès les vitrines ! Nous avons décidé de nous montrer résiliant et innovant en organisant l’exposition « A VISAGE DECOUVERT » qui se déroule dans les vitrines de nos galeries, visible depuis l’extérieur du matin au soir. L’exposition sera symboliquement dévoilée le jeudi 1er avril, date du rendez-vous mensuel organisé par l’association « Le Jeudi des Beaux-Arts », et restera accrochée jusqu’au 20 avril. La Galerie Meyer présente 4 masques d'Océanie et de l'Arctique dans nos vitrines que vous pouvez admirer de l'extérieur de la galerie. Si vous avez envie d'acquérir un de ces masques il vous suffit de m'appeler ou de m'écrire un email - c'est du Clic & Collect ! ****** Parisians need art... After the museums, our galleries are now closed and we are not allowed to operate normally. But the art world's capital of galleries is teeming with ideas and initiatives. Our neighbourhood of Saint-Germain-des-Prés is historically home to an unrivalled concentration of art galleries. Unlike other parts of the capital, our galleries offer street-level viewing of masterpieces directly in our shop-windows ! We decided to be resilient and innovative by organizing an exhibition “UN-MASKED“ which takes place in the shop-windows of our galleries, thus visible from the outside from morning to evening. The exhibition will be symbolically unveiled on Thursday, April 1, the date of the monthly event organized by the association "Le Jeudi des Beaux-Arts", and will remain on view until April 20. Galerie Meyer presents 4 masks from Oceania and the Arctic in our two front windows so that you can admire them directly from the sidewalk. If you wish to buy one of these masks just call me or write me an email - it's Click & Collect ! Download -
Photo St Germain
Exhibition : January 07 - January 23, 2021
Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
PhotoSaintGermain OPENING ! Dans tous les lieux participants sauf la Maison Auguste Comte et le centre culturel irlandais, le centre tchèque de Paris et l'institut culturel italien. 11h-19h Sauf mention contraire, tous nos événements sont en accès libre, dans la limite des places disponibles et dans le respect des règles sanitaires. Download -
Exhibition : November 28 - November 29, 2020
Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo Art
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
Deux jours seulement pour sortir a Paris et visiter ma galerie et et celles de mes collègues participants a PARIS TRIBAL... Download -
ARTCITY - The On-Line Art Fair
Exhibition : October 23 - October 28, 2020
Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
ArtCity is new way of collecting art on-line. ArtCity is a virtual Art-Fair offering for your perusal and acquisition the masterworks exhibited by a select group of renowned dealers. Each gallery is housed in its own digital building in a virtual, bespoke Art City which you can visit by clicking on the different buildings. You can tour each gallery display through the high resolution 360° photographs. By clicking your cursor on the artworks, you can select the ones that are of interest and the pertinent information will pop-up in separate windows. There is even a window where in you can actually call the exhibitors cell phone directly and speak to the dealer in real-time about the work and acquire it. ArtCity offers Ancient Art, Tribal Art, Modern Art, Furniture, Old Masters, Contemporary Art, Jewellery... ArtCity is open to the public from 23-28 October on a 24 hour basis. Download Download -
7 à La Maison
Exhibition : September 25 - September 27, 2020
70ter Grande Rue
45110 Chateau Neuf sur Loire
7 à La Maison : C'est 7 amis qui se réunissent pour vous presenter des oeuvres d'art d'une autre manière ! Pourquoi ? Eh bien, en cette ère du COVID 19 il faut se montrer innovant, agile, flexible et donc proposer des œuvres d'art de différentes manières afin de susciter l'intérêt et créer l'excitation au près des collectionneurs - Venez donc voir l'installation et profiter des trois jours d'ART... 7 à La Maison : It's 7 friends who come together to present to you works of art in different manner ! Why ? Well, in this era of COVID 19 one has to be innovative, agile, flexible and therefore offer works of art in new ways in order to generate interest and create excitement among collectors - come and see the installation and enjoy the three days of ART ... Download Download -
Parcours des Mondes
Exhibition : September 08 - September 12, 2020
Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
Depuis presque vingt ans, le Parcours des Mondes est le plus important salon international d’arts extra-européen, asiatique et d’archéologie par le nombre, la qualité et la diversité de ses participants. Il rassemble chaque année au début du mois de septembre une soixantaine de galeries spécialisées dans les arts d’Afrique, d’Asie, d’Océanie, des Amériques et en archéologie, à Saint-Germain-des-Prés, au cœur de Paris. For already almost twenty years, Parcours des Mondes is the most important art fair worldwide, dedicated to Non-Western and Asian cultures and Archeology. The fair brings together each year in early September, around sixty galleries, specialised in artworks from Africa, Asia, Oceania, America and Archeology in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, in the center of Paris. Download -
Tribal Art Book Sale
Exhibition : July 02 - July 04, 2020
Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Tribal Art
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
A three day book sale of doubles, triples and various publications from my overflowing library. Come along a find your summer reads here or the important book that is long missing from your shelves. Une vente de livres, des doublons, des triplons et des ouvrages divers et varies de ma bibliothèque qui déborde. Venez cherche de quoi vous tenir l'été ou le livre important qui manque sur vos etageres depuis trop longtemps deja... Download -
Exhibition : June 11 - June 14, 2020
Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
Les galeries de Saint-Germain-des-Prés, toutes spécialités et sensibilités confondues, se fédèrent à partir du jeudi 11 juin autour d’une opération intitulée #VisitonsNosGaleries, pour promouvoir leur importance dans le paysage culturel français, en rappelant qu’elles sont ouvertes à tous, que leur accès est gratuit, et que les publics peuvent y découvrir des oeuvres d’art et d’art appliqué exceptionnelles. Convaincus que l’émotion que procure le contact réel avec les oeuvres est irremplaçable, les passeurs que sont les personnels des galeries attendent les visiteurs pour engager le dialogue et partager leurs connaissances avec eux. The galleries of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, all specialties and sensitivities combined, come together from Thursday 11 June around an event called #VisitonsNosGaleries, to promote their importance in the French cultural landscape, recalling that they are open to all, that their access is free, and that the public can discover exceptional works of art. Convinced that the emotion provided by real contact with the art-works is irreplaceable, the gallery staff will welcome visitors and engage in dialogue and share their knowledge with them. Download -
New Arts Works On-Line / Nouvelles Oeuvres En-Ligne
Exhibition : March 23 - May 31, 2020
Anthony Meyer
17 rue des Beaux Arts Paris 75006
75006 Paris
A selection of Interesting and fine Art-Works from the Early Pacific and Eskimo cultures / Une Sélection intéressant d'Œuvres de Qualité Provenant des Cultures Anciennes du Pacifique et des Eskimo. Download -
Emile Zola : Original photos and vintage prints
Exhibition : November 05 - November 23, 2019
Galerie Meyer
17 rue des Beaux Arts Paris 75006
75006 Paris
Rather than thinking of Zola as a novelist who took pictures, we may instead come to view him as an artist who both wrote and made photographs. Zola’s photographs demonstrate a remarkable technical ability as well as a sensitivity to the character and mood of his subjects. The same attention to detail evident in his novels is visible in Zola’s portraits of his son, which were taken around the time of the famous Dreyfus Affair at the end of the 19th century. A small catalogue featuring texts by Carrie Foulkes and Lindsey Stewart has been published (on-line at : https://issuu.com/danielblau5/docs/emile_zola_final_einzelseiten_mit_f) Download -
Exhibition : October 02 - October 06, 2019
Regents Park (Gloucester Gate)
NW1 London
United Kingdom
I am delighted to return to London in October 2019 for the eighth edition of FRIEZE MASTERS - LONDON. This fair is unique in the world, it mixes, in a contemporary manner all the artistic cultures of humanity at the highest level of quality. The juxtaposition of an ancient Egyptian bronze and a sculpture by Barbara Hepworth with an ancestor figure from New Guinea opens new horizons of appreciation and collection. This is a very special moment where the collector realizes that the eye is attracted to a work or culture far removed from what he/she usually goes for. The interplay of forms, the confrontations, the combinations and especially the quality and the beauty of the objects of art presented at FRIEZE MASTERS make this the destination fair where collectors and dealers meet in London in October to sell and buy the finest pieces of the art market. -
La BIennale - Paris
Exhibition : September 13 - September 17, 2019
Le Grand Palais
Avenue Winston Churchill
75008 Paris
La Biennale Paris, the renowned art fair, brings together national and international exhibitors under the magnificent vaulted roof of the Grand Palais offering more than six thousand years of art in this magnificent ephemeral museum. La Biennale Paris celebrates its 31th edition in 2019 and the Biennale Committee, presided by Christopher Forbes, as well as the Vetting Commission (one of the most demanding and independent group of experts in the world), guarantees not only the selection of the participating galleries but also the highest level of authenticity, confidence and transparency for the collectors. -
Bourgogne Tribal Show
Exhibition : May 30 - June 02, 2019
Galerie Bruno Mory
71460 Besanceuil - Bonnay
The Bourgogne Tribal Show is the first commercial and international tribal-art fair to be held in a countryside location. Set in idyllic rural surroundings, with a relaxed atmosphere that naturally lends itself to discovery, exchange and discussion, the Bourgogne Tribal Show offers a resolutely different experience. We are VERY pleased to announce that Sharon and Sam Singer of California have accepted the position of CO-Honorary Presidents of the fair ! California based tribal-art collectors, focusing on the Pacific, Himalayas and Indonesia, Sharon & Sam both grew up in academic households and had the good fortune from early on to meet scholars, see traveling exhibitions and learn from returning Peace Corps members who brought back exotic artworks. This gave them an early interest in unusual and different arts and cultures. Their 20+ years of passion for collecting art together is enhanced by their company’s work in the fields of politics, advertising and public relations communications. While tribal art remains firmly at the heart of the fair, the Bourgogne Tribal Show is, more than ever, open to other artistic fields: contemporary and modern arts, Chinese, Indian and Japanese classical arts, classical and Egyptian antiques, Baroque and medieval European sculpture. The Bourgogne Tribal Show invites visitors to discover the diverse array of actors involved in the tribal-arts world. Specialists, from pedestals makers to professional restorers to insurers – all those involved in the promotion of the art on display – will present the varied aspects of their work. -
Paris Tribal 2019
Exhibition : April 10 - April 14, 2019
Galerie Meyer
17 rue des Beaux Arts Paris 75006
75006 Paris
The Representation of the Human Figure in the Art of New Guinea - An exhibition at Galerie Meyer - Oceanic & Eskimo Art. I have the pleasure of welcoming Galerie Laurent Dodier from Avranche who will exhibit Pre-Columbian Art and Watercolors by Eugène de Kermadec... Created at the initiative of the art dealers of the Beaux-Arts / Saint-Germain-des-Prés district in the spring of 2014, Paris Tribal will be held this year from Wednesday 10 to Sunday 14 April 2019. More than twenty galleries have chosen to participate in the event which will bring together both themed exhibitions and exceptional pieces. All the fields of tribal art will be explored: Arts of Africa, America, Himalaya, Indonesia and Oceania. -
TEFAF 2019
Exhibition : March 14 - March 23, 2019
Forum 100
6229 GV Maastricht
TEFAF - The European Fine Art Fair is the worlds most important Art Fair. I will be exhibiting a very fine selection of important and rare Master-Works from the early traditional cultures of Oceania and the Eskimo. -
Frieze Masters
Exhibition : October 04 - October 07, 2018
Gloster Gate
Regents Park
NW1 4NR London
United Kingdom
Discover several thousand years of art history in a unique contemporary context...
Frieze Masters features more than 130 leading modern and historical galleries from around the world, showcasing art from the ancient era and Old Masters to the late 20th century Download Download -
Exhibition : September 08 - September 16, 2018
Grand Palais
Avenue Winston Churchill
75008 Paris
For art lovers from across the world, the Biennale des Antiquaires has been a must-attend event for more than half a century and quintessentially representative of the French « art de vivre ».
It is an exceptional event where great art from all the worlds cultures is offered for sale in the magnificent Grand Palais.
I will be offering a selection of the finest Oceanic and Eskimo art-works.
I look forward to your visit at the fair... Download -
3 Art Fairs in Autumn / 3 Foires a l'Automne
Exhibition : July 07 - July 07, 2018
Paris Paris - London
Sept - Oct
2018 Paris
I am pleased to announce that I will be exhibiting at the 3 finest Art Fairs in the Fall : Parcours des Mondes and the Biennale - Paris in September and Frieze Masters in London in October. I look forward to the pleasure of your visit and patronage. More information will be published here shortly. Je suis tres heureux d'annoncer que je vais exposer dans les trois plus importantes foires d'art de l'Automne : Parcours des Mondes & La Biennale - Paris en Septembre et Frieze Masters à Londres en Octobre. J'espère avoir le plaisir de vous y voir. Plus d'information sera bien tôt publiée ici. Download -
Bourgogne Tribal Show 2018
Exhibition : May 24 - May 27, 2018
Besanceuil - Bonnay
71460 Ytyj
Le Bourgogne Tribal show est la première foire internationale d’art tribal à se tenir à la campagne. Dans un cadre champêtre, et une ambiance détendue propice à la découverte, le Bourgogne Tribal Show propose à son public une expérience résolument différente.
Réunis par deux ou par trois, les marchands se partagent de magnifiques espaces d’exposition pour présenter aux collectionneurs, amateurs ou simples curieux, les œuvres d’art venues d’Afrique, d’Asie, d’Océanie ou des Amériques.
Le Bourgogne Tribal Show se tient à Besanceuil, à quelques kilomètres de Cluny, sur les terres de Bruno Mory, marchand d’art contemporain. Les espaces des granges – qui datent du XVe et du XVIIIe siècles – magnifiquement restaurées pour accueillir des expositions, le parc de sculptures monumentales, la vue sur les collines du Clunisois procurent un cadre exceptionnel à la visite.
The Bourgogne Tribal Show is the first commercial and international tribal-art fair to be held in a countryside location. Set in idyllic rural surroundings, with a relaxed atmosphere that naturally lends itself to discovery, exchange and discussion, the Bourgogne Tribal Show offers a resolutely different experience.
The art dealers, collaborating in groups of two or three, share magnificent exhibition spaces where they present artworks from Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas, to an audience of experienced collectors and amateurs alike.
The Bourgogne Tribal Show is hosted at Besanceuil, just a few kilometres from Cluny, on the private estate of contemporary art dealer Bruno Mory. The farm buildings – dating from the 15th and late 18th centuries – have been magnificently restored to house exhibitions, while the contemporary sculpture park and views from the Clunisois hilltops provide the most remarkable surroundings for visitors. Download -
Paris Tribal
Exhibition : April 11 - April 14, 2018
Galerie Meyer - Oceanic Art
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
Créé à l’initiative des marchands d’arts premiers du quartier Beaux-Arts/Saint-Germain-des-Prés au printemps 2014, Paris Tribal aura lieu cette année du 11 au 14 avril 2018.
Plus d’une vingtaine de galeries ont choisi de participer à l’événement qui réunira aussi bien des expositions à thèmes que des pièces exceptionnelles. Tous les champs de l’art tribal seront ainsi explorés : Arts d’Afrique, d’Amérique, d’Himalaya, d’Indonésie et d’Océanie.
Created at the initiative of the Beaux-Arts / Saint-Germain-des-Prés art galleries in spring 2014, Paris Tribal will be held this year from April 11 to 14, 2018.
More than twenty galleries have chosen to participate in the event which will bring together themed exhibitions as well as exceptional pieces. All fields of tribal art will be explored: Arts from Africa, America, Himalaya, Indonesia and Oceania. Download -
TEFAF Maastricht 2018
Exhibition : March 10 - March 18, 2018
MECC - Maastricht
Forum 100
6229 GV Maastricht
Once again I will have the pleasure of exhibiting at TEFAF in Maastricht. Please come a visit the fair and view my stand N° 135. I will be offering a selection of recently acquired Master-Works from the Island cultures of the Pacific and the Arctic Eskimo... Download -
Exhibition : November 02 - November 19, 2017
Galerie Meyer
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
Some never before seen vintage photographes recently reattributed to the great and famous WEEGEE - the greatest photographer New York has ever known...
Galerie Daniel Blau is pleased to present EXTRA! WEGEE at Galerie Meyer during the PHOTO Saint Germain fair and PARIS PHOTO and to launch the book EXTRA ! WEEGEE priced at € 49.90 and available from you favorite bookseller. -
Frieze Masters London 2017
Exhibition : October 05 - October 08, 2017
Regents Park
Outer Circle
NW1 4HG London
United Kingdom
Discover several thousand years of art history in a unique contemporary context !
Frieze Masters features more than 130 leading modern and historical galleries from around the world, showcasing art from the ancient era and Old Masters to the late 20th century. I will be exhibiting a selection of Oceanic Art including a group of rare figures from the "Caves of the Korewori". As well there will be superb KapKap from New Ireland and the Admiralty Islands with remarkable early provenance and a refined selection of archaic Eskimo art... Download -
Oceanic TAPA d'Océanie
Exhibition : September 12 - September 17, 2017
Galerie Meyer -Oceanic Art
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
Once again I will be offering a new selection of the finest early TAPA cloth from the Pacific Islands. I have already offered four exceptional exhibitions of TAPA in my gallery over the last 30 years. In this fifth exhibition i will offer an extremely rare blue TAPA from the Solomon Islands painted with the silhouettes of 13 dugong !! It is from the collection of the British artist Alan Munro Reynolds (27 April 1926 – 28 August 2014). I will also offer a superbly well preserved Eharo mask from the Papuan Gulf last offered for sale by Henri & Helene Kamer in 1966 as well as a rare Baining "shield" and TAPA from New Britain and Samoa. Download -
La Biennale - Paris
Exhibition : September 11 - September 17, 2017
Le Grand Palais
75008 Paris
For art lovers from across the world, the Biennale des Antiquaires has been a must-attend event for more than half a century and quintessentially representative of the French « art de vivre ».
It is an exceptional event where great art from all the worlds cultures is offered for sale in the magnificent Grand Palais. Yet time moves on, things must change and we must all evolve along with it. Today the Biennale is at a turning point in its history. The Biennale Paris becomes an annual event from 2017 onwards. It is now more focused - showcasing superbe works of art, magnificent paintings along with fine jewelry and watches.
I will be offering a select group of archaic wood sculptures from the caves of the Korewori Rivier in New Guinea. These enigmatic figures can date back as far as the 10th century. This is the first time that such a group has been displayed and offered for sale. Download Download -
Bourgogne Tribal Show
Exhibition : May 25 - May 28, 2017
Galerie Bruno Mory
71460 Ytyj
The Bourgogne Tribal Show is the first commercial and international tribal-art fair to be held in a countryside location. Set in idyllic rural surroundings, with a relaxed atmosphere that naturally lends itself to discovery, exchange and discussion, the Bourgogne Tribal Show offers a resolutely different experience. I invite you to come and discover in the exhibition rooms of Galerie Bruno Mory, situated in the hamlet of Besanceuil - Bonnay in the heart of Burgundy, the 26 international dealers - all specialized in Tribal Art - during the forthcoming Bourgogne Tribal Show... Download -
Art St Germain & Jeudi des Beaux Arts
Exhibition : May 18 - May 20, 2017
Galerie Meyer - Oceanic Art
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
18, 19, 20 juin de 11h - 13h et de 14h30 - 19h
A l'occasion du vernissage d'Art Saint Germain des Près qui coincide avec le Jeudi des Beaux Arts la galerie propose une sélection d'oeuvres anciennes et classiques du Pacifique et de l'Arctique ainsi que des dessins et tableaux illustrant l'exploration de l'Océanie, l'Afrique, le Grand Nord, les Amériques et l'Asie. Download -
Frieze Contemporary
Exhibition : May 05 - May 07, 2017
Randall's Island Park
New York New York
United States
FRIEZE NEW YORK brings this visionary process to life by opening a dialogue between the two connecting artistic realities of today’s Contemporary Art and early Tribal Art…
Galerie Meyer – Oceanic & Eskimo Art is proud to have been selected to participate in the first FRIEZE art-fair to mix the art of today for which it is renowned with the Early Art forms of classical Oceanic and Eskimo Art which we exhibit at FRIEZE MASTERS.
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Exhibition : May 04 - May 08, 2017
The Armory
643 Park Avenue
10065 New York
United States
TEFAF - the world's foremost fair of art, antiques and design launches TEFAF NY - an art fair that will be presented twice annually in New York at the Park Avenue Armory in the Autumn and Spring.
Building on TEFAF Maastricht’s 30 years of success and experience in bringing together the best objects for sale from 7,000 years of art history by expert dealers from around the globe and an unsurpassed reputation for vetting, these two TEFAF NY fairs will allow the leading art dealers of the world and collectors to meet under one roof in a prominent location in New York City…
Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art is thrilled to have been selected to exhibit at TEFAF NY SPRING 2017.
Anthony JP Meyer is excited to be returning once again to Manhattan and North America bringing a selection of the finest Oceanic and Eskimo Art.
Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art looks forward to seeing you all in New York during the new TEFAF week in May !! Download -
Paris Tribal 2017
Exhibition : April 05 - April 08, 2017
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
Paris Tribal will open the doors of the participating galleries on 5 April from 2 to 8 PM
Created at the initiative of the art dealers of the Beaux-Arts / Saint-Germain-des-Prés district
in the spring of 2014, Paris Tribal will be held this year from Wednesday 5 to Saturday
8 April 2017. More than twenty galleries have chosen to participate in the event which will
bring together both themed exhibitions and exceptional pieces. All the fields of tribal art
will be explored: Arts of Africa, America, Himalaya, Indonesia and Oceania. This year, four
foreign merchants are invited by Parisian merchants to present their items. In addition,
“Formes et Matières”, a collective exhibition of the participants of Paris Tribal, will take
place from Monday 3rd to Saturday 8th April at 35 rue Guénégaud.
Créé à l’initiative des marchands d’arts premiers du quartier Beaux-Arts/Saint-Germaindes-Prés
au printemps 2014, Paris Tribal aura lieu cette année du mercredi 5 au samedi 8
avril 2017. Plus d’une vingtaine de galeries ont choisi de participer à l’événement qui réunira
aussi bien des expositions à thèmes que des pièces exceptionnelles. Tous les champs de
l’art tribal seront ainsi explorés : Arts d’Afrique, d’Amérique, d’Himalaya, d’Indonésie et
d’Océanie. Cette année, quatre marchands étrangers sont invités par des marchands parisiens
à partager leur galerie. De plus, « Formes et Matières », exposition collective des participants
à Paris tribal se déroulera du lundi 3 au samedi 8 avril au 35 rue Guénégaud. -
TEFAF 2017
Exhibition : March 10 - March 19, 2017
MECC Maastricht
Forum 100
6229 GV Maastricht
TEFAF Maastricht is widely regarded as the world's premier fair for art, antiques and design. Featuring 275 prestigious dealers from some 20 countries, TEFAF Maastricht is a showcase for the finest art works currently on the market.
Alongside the traditional areas of Old Master paintings, antiques and classical antiquities that cover approximately half of the fair, you can also find modern and contemporary art, photographs, jewelry, 20th century design, works on paper and superb Tribal Art from Oceania, Africa, the Americas and South East Asia.
Finally, I have reached the bench mark at TEFAF Maastricht. This year in March 2017 I will celebrate my first twenty years at the fair. Hopefully I will continue long after and possibly approach the the next bench mark of thirty...
Please come and visit TEFAF Maastricht 2017 and enjoy the beautiful art works that are on display and take a few home too ! Download Download Download Download -
Daniel Blau exhibition @ Galerie Meyer, Paris
Exhibition : November 03 - November 20, 2016
Galerie Meyer - Oceanic Art
17 rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris
The painter Gauguin at Venus Point on 19 July 1896
Early photography in Tahiti & the Marquesas Islands
Opening Thursday 3 November
6 - 9 pm
Exhibition from 4 through 20 November 2016
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Exhibition : October 22 - October 27, 2016
The Park Avenue Armory
10065 New York
United States
TEFAF comes to North America !!!
I am very pleased to be returning to New York City as an exhibitor in the first ever showing of TEFAF in the USA. My last art fair in New York was in 2002 and since then I have waited patiently for the occasion to exhibit here once again.
TEFAF - The European Fine Art Fair, is originally located in the small Dutch town of Maastricht at the heart of Europe. The fair is composed of some 270 of the world’s best dealers offering works of art spanning 10,000 years of history. Every year in March collectors, curators, dealers and advisors gather at TEFAF Maastricht for ten days to view and acquire the very best the art-market has to offer.
Whether in Maastricht or now in New York TEFAF is an Art Fair created by dealers for collectors. This is where you can find a paleolithic flint axe displayed in-front of a Rothko, a New Guinea mask gracing a desk by Charlotte Perriand, a book of hours next to a Giacometti, and a Rembrandt facing a Cycladic figure. TEFAF is all about authenticity, refinement, connoisseurship, quality, and the “eye” !
I am pleased to offer in resonance to my Oceanic & Eskimo Art a selection of early paintings by one of the most remarkable and versatile French artists - Jean Lurçat.
After painting throughout the first half of the 20th century in the company of Arp, Derain, Ernst, Matisse, and Picasso he “re-invented” tapestry for which he became world renowned. His paintings from the heydays of the 20’s and 30’s are powerful precursors of the styles which would follow in the post-war period of design. He exhibited in London with Alex Reid and Lefevre Gallery, in New York at the Valentine Gallery and in Paris with Jeanne Bucher. Many of the great early collectors such as Chester Dale, George Salles or Edmond Bomsel had Lurçat paintings on their walls...
I look forward to the pleasure of your visit to my stand at N° 22 and to sharing these wonderful works of art with you. Download -
Frieze Masters - London
Exhibition : October 06 - October 09, 2016
Frieze Masters
Regents Park
NW1 4HA London
United Kingdom
Frieze Masters features more than 130 leading modern and historical galleries from around the world, showcasing art from the ancient era and Old Masters to the late 20th century in a unique contemporary context.
Tastes change, as do the ways in which we look at art and how we present it. New aspects and facets come to light with innovative approaches and Frieze Masters hits it on the nail offering us a re-mastered and yet remarkably "Renaissance" way in which to appreciate and to collect the masterworks of humanity’s artists.
Frieze Masters in London is now a pivotal "must see" event in the world's art fair circuit and I am so very pleased to be part of this remarkable Art Fair from the very beginning.